PuRe SpY FaRMeRs

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by ISS_MR-T_ISS, Feb 28, 2015.

  1. PS1 is a way to simply specify a variant of hansel.

    Theres many different variants of builds.

    PS1 is to specify a Tier one attack building in particular.
  2. People have been doing that since the beginning of KaW, you guys just randomly decided to name it PS1. I agree with Omar.
  3. We call it
    "The second best clan in the game"
  4. You got to be careful hitting pure spies most are alts. I have a pure spy that has sat on people for months not hitting eb's just victims. Good Luck tho ;)

  5. You must be an idiot. Hello, Im from back then. Hansel wasnt around ;)

    However, youre still wrong. Hansels have always been accepted as having one troop building, yes. Because of EE, theres been multiple variants of hansels that have now emerged past the simple "One COE/Vol, rest spies" definition many thought of. (Although the TRUE hansel def was <25% troops >75% spies )

    The recent influx of variety calls for RECENT terms to start being used to specify.

    For example

    Gh, ght, sh, sht, ssh, mid hansel, ps1, traditional hansel, battle hansel, towered hansel, etc.

    PS werent big until within the last year or so, so the need to easily drop builds was never necessary therefor making stables unnecessary therefor making the term PS1 not have to be used to clarify until relatively recently.
  6. Really? Having less than 25% attack buildings and rest spy was non existent? Well then! I am an idiot! When did they implement spy buildings? I must be imagining so many things.
  7. :roll: The build "hansel" was not around for a long while despite there being spy buildings to start with.
  8. Yah maybe it didn't have a name, doesn't mean nobody had it.
  9. Hansel was name of player who had the first hansel build I believe. He was iG. It was one attack building, rest guilds
  11. hansel was first spy build to use it effectively...spy builds were always around
  12. This...

    The stupidly silly PS1 denomination you came up recently is the original hansel build. 1 troop building, the rest are spy buildings. At hansel's time only guilds were around, of course.

    The first Estoc Trials a distinction was made and the name guild hansel was used for hansels still using guilds only as spy buildings. Later on, people came up with the sh (shadow hansel) denomination for a hansel build using SoSes instead of guilds (and refusing to build T5...) as guilds got nerfed.

    The last two years approx. people began to use the term hansel incorrectly for all kind of spy builds... The hansel is a very specific subtype of a spy build and that's it. 1 troop building, rest spy buildings. And that's why it can pretty easily change over to a pure spy build.

    Fun idea of a clan, MrT! Most pure spies however are a very boring nuisance to fight...
  13. Those crazy insane dudes from themafia. Have declared OSW on my micro clan  Too funny guys, I'm sure you'll 'win' osw no.3 to add to your clan page 
  14. PuRe SpY FaRMeRsO.s.W. v themafia.  CoMe FiGhT sOmE nOoBs
  16. Love ya work T  I'm gonna come and be the ass I've always dreamt of being! Hehehe
  17. Duh mafia owner still naked and open ( 6 hours and neither him nor his clannies have noticed )
  18. I still cant grasp why op....a spy build basically. ....hates spy builds ......am I the only person picking up on this hypocrisy
  19. Next clan after I get bored of this May be 'hybrid killers' or 'attack tank busters' .... Who knows