BL₳¢ҜH₳₦Ð࿃ཞẠ̸སGཛ HẠ̸སÐ

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by ____Demon____, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. That awkward moment when you see a thread you wrote on AT. 
  2. Like that's never happened to you before X
  3. I actually got really excited for a second :cry:
  4. Support to all my old BH fam and to the new ️
  5. ^^

    But I'm not BH lol
  6. BL₳¢Ҝ H₳₦Ð SUPPORT 

    The Hand That Slaps Your Mother Ass 
  8. Awesome clan with chill as hell members

  10. Re: BL₳¢ҜH₳₦Ð

  11. Bumped to show kotti what a liar he is...
  12. I declare osw on BH

    jk love you guys
  13. I've declared an osw against my BL. Who wants to strip farm it with me?
  14. Re: BL₳¢ҜH₳₦Ð

  15. I just logged onto kaw for the first time in a while to say that I love you BH. <3
    Although I was only with you guys for a few months, they were a great few months. Great people (with the odd bit of drama lmao) + great war leaders = a nice bit of butt-kicking.
    Thanks for some great times, guys.

  16. Were do I apply? 