Roman Praetorian Legion Recruiting! [title2]Requirements[/title2] [*]2m Combined Stats [*]You must work the help wall [*]Complete an interview with one of the contacts listed below [title2]Why join us?[/title2] We have a family that protects its own if it comes down to it, We are all very friendly and are willing to help you if you need help, We help the clans of KaW with their failing EBs [title2]What we do[/title2] We work the Helpsaveus job wall and help any clan thy needs help with their EB Also known as "mercing" [title2]Contacts[/title2] RPL_is__Xeam__is_RPL -Owner -_-Queen_of_The_Shadows-_- -Owner xXxRPL_WarAngelAthena_RPLxXx -Co Owner BombDeath -Co Owner Elua -Head Admin [title2]Rules[/title2] 1]Mercs work off HELPSAVEUS wall 2]Always skim the eb [Not going below 75% troops unless u plan to xtal] 3]Color up if u can 4]Respect Others 5]Follow Train Leader [TL] 6]Dont post on walls if ur not active TL 7]Post ads in cc. If u create ur own ad, have them approved by Xeam or Admin before posting 8]Only admin can call an eb fail 9]Always keep train together 10]All Mercs r expected home on our off day [Saturday US Eastern] [title2]How to get our help[/title2] To get our help, you must do the following Post the wall of the user "HelpSaveUs" With EB name, EB Time, Phase, and how much left on sub bars if your on them still. ***NOTE:EB Must have under 3 hours left*** Thanks to Radagast for the pictures, and a link to this thread in his list