Season 4 of the Estoc Trials (Updated)

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. Tear sword out... but doesn't it make you a little sad that they keep releasing boots, that are not stronger than the % based boots? Kinda doesn't make a whole lotta sense.

    ( Tear sword in sheath )
  2. Reading last few pages - the match ups % difference is no different to round wars - except there is no bfa to warp facts so you are seeing match ups without bfa being used to exploit instead of raw stats

    At kotfe we pretty much war same roster each war - albiet our second roster at CRD may be 50mill cs bigger or smaller

    From what i can see - stacked rosters some of you are still using - make the cs difference more noticable as its builds based

    STOP stacking in primal 

    Round wars are for them

    And for the record clans with no SH and solid builds and great team work - have beaten us

    Stop warring these wars like round wars guys - you might enjoy them

    And stop listening to the myths

    We dont unequip - theres no need to - and you only all forget to re-equip for indies anyway

    A heavily towered bc pays more in attacks than a lb with less towers btw so you can dispel that myth too ive tried and tested - simple mechs - i know i pay better to people than someone my cs who has less towers than me

    And use different strats- what works in one war doesnt work in another

    And we have warred with PS and with these ps1 - its not a magic trick - attack builds cant attack a hansel with no gold out - shocking i know lol
  3. I just wonder half way of season 4 why the tittle still trial zzzzzzzzz....
  4. Wait so if we make top 500 we get all equipment? Or no??
  5. Please stop with medal increases
  6. Medal increases? please not again?? Why have i been working so hard this first half of the damb season. You better be joking troll.
  7. Not joking. I just won 3 medals from indi.
  8. Go figure, no response from kc or any word about a medal increase. Guess i wont be able to sleep at all this season if i want that banner. This is such bs.
  9. Just got 3 medallions from Indi win... didn't think this would happen until last 2 weeks. :)

    Time to go nuts everyone. Lol

    Although this might make it possible to get those greaves...
  10. Thanks for the medal increase if it is true. The people who work for a living to buy seals and xtal welcome this decision.
  11. So indi now is 3 medals. Primal now 4? C'mon KAW, stop the medal increase. And if you are going to continue this, retro medal counts to WAR 1 for this season. Either do it or stop.
  12. 7 medallions and classes, no way I'm getting 100. If this were during the summer I could
  13. The 3 medals for the individual war was an error, and payout is continuing as 3 from Round and Primal, and 2 from Individual.
  14. I'm keeping my extra one !!! 
  15. When's this season 4 end? I just started and seeing if the helmet is even achievable.
  16. Why move war times back an hour, hard enough for a working Aussie to get 1 war in per day, now it will be impossible, Ty devs great job
  17. Is level 15 only for those in the top 10?
  18. I reckon it is, if you enchant yourself it will pally at 10.
  19. I don't think it is , these items aren't supposed to fail enchant I thought , after having to work my ass off during season to get them