It has come to my attention that many clans are being made but they do not make a thread. Unfortunatly, I won't know if it's even alive. So if you have made a clan and did NOT make a thread please contact me via wall or please tell me on this thread. I need the KaW community help sometimes and this is one of those times. Thankyou. Storallelite
Looking for help I need another person to make a list once in awile when needed. As you know, I don't have as much time as before so that's why I need help. If you are willing and interested please contact me via wall. Thankyou Storallelite
☆New lists☆ All clan list(excludes subclans) -IG -Foxes -KaWtion -Army of Anubis -Modern Republic -Aztec Warriors -Wulf Pack -The Hollow -The Immortals -Patriots -Latino Kings -fsu -Ice Queen clan -xXPsYcH0S1S_3xP3R1M3N7Xx -Order of Spartians -New World Order -Knights of the fire Emblem -CHAOS -French Knights -United Kingdom Clan -VooDoo -Knights Templar -S.Korean clan -The Leagues -Dragon Cave -New age -Quick Queens -Legendary Warriors -Russia -Assassins -Merc If I missed your clan please let me know on this thread or via wall! Subclans eg.subclan nameclan name -WIGIG -CHAOS UniversityCHAOS -KaWKoLledgeKaWtion -fsuFSU -TFK EvolutionFrench Knights -FoxlingsFoxes If I missed your subclan please let me know on this thread or via wall!]/b] Groups -Filipino Mafia -FeAr -Hispanoparlantes -iForumneer -GRAAL Online If i missed your group please let me know on this thread or via wall! Special OSF ASF NUF( :?: ) OSF-Open spy farm(I think) You can attack OSF's a certain amount of times a day. ASF-Anit-spam force If you farm an OSF then an ASF will come after you! NUF-Nightly Unlimited Farm This is like OSF except you can attack as much as you like at a certain periods of time during the night. Please noteo not farm a NUF when it is not open! Or you will pay! To find out tge times a NUF is open please check the thread! (I will try to get the links up soon) :!: If you know please let me know on this thread or via wall if NUF is still going. :!: If I made any mistake please let me know ASAP on this thread or via wall! Thankyou Storallelite