Which EB is right for YOU?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by B-_-Duskull99-_-F, Jul 29, 2011.

  1. Hi guys, I decided to make a guide for clans to choose which epic battle would be the best for growth and development. Without further ado, let's begin:

    Everything starts from this epic. That said, it's really crappy. I guess you'd only do this one if your clan was tiny.

    Kingdom Assault:
    Good epic for small clans with lots of attack builds. Never-ending attacking!

    The Despair:
    Basically Kingdom Assault, but for bigger clans.

    The Forgotten Ones:
    Hands down the best eb for medium sized clans. Plenty of stuff for everyone to do, and gives GREAT payout if you do a little of everything.

    Foreign Territories:
    Good epic for medium-largish clans, as the scouting is optional. Allows hansels/spies to live in harmony with attack builds.

    Battle Royale:
    Kingdom Assault all over again, except with an item stage. Great epic for large clans with plenty of attack builds.

    Another good epic for large clans, but this one is more geared towards mixed builds, as it has a bit of stealing and scouting.

    The Haunting:
    Nothing pays more than the Haunting b2b. You must be a VERY large clan to be able to do this epic, however. Is said to pay better than pws.

    No Quarter:
    The big bad epic of kaw. You pretty much have to be a top 50 clan to be able to complete this epic. It is usually a sign of a great clan if your clan can complete No Quarter. HUGE PAYOUT. However, The Haunting trumps it in terms of $$$. Complete this epic and your clan name will be known and feared amongst kaw.

    Well, I'm not expecting a sticky or anything, but I'm hoping this will help clans choose which epic is best. Ty!
  2. I like battle royale.
  3. Nice guide there and Ty for making it
  4. Dinosaur in jet ftw!
  5. good guide 
  6. You can do no quarter ranked over 100. I know cause we did it 

    The Mort
  7. G-g-g-g-good job!!
  8. Ty for feedback guys. I appreciate it. 
  9. Pretty good. Sticky is over the top, but it's still good
  10. My clan does the haunting multiple times a day.
  11. what do you mean scouting is optional in foreign territories.
    the whole battle is scouting.
  12. I like the forgotten ones because you always have a way to be active. Plus better than pwar in way of money.
  13. @Sirhankman: Oops, epic fail on my part. I mean Abandoned Kingdom. Damn idevice doesn't allow me to edit.

    @iPwn: Yeah, IMO, The Forgotten Ones is a mini Haunting. It's that good for $$$ as long as you do your part.
  14. Cover of night is pod for spies. I pretty much completed it myself twice
  15. My clan does pwars still so I left. we have 4hlcbc spies between us and our sub 
  16. Battle royal is great i usually do it eith my bigger clans but great guide
  17. Battle royal is a great one for large hansels not just attack builds IMO.