This guide will outline the main methods which an OAF** can use to open themselves for other players to steal from. This guide covers methods which work well in plunder war conditions, but in reality these methods work for any purpose. Personally, I have gathered much of my information from opening for world chat for extended periods of time, but have discussed it with other players and have confirmed that these methods work perfectly in plunder wars. **Note: It is also possible to operate a pure spy/hansel for the purpose of being open for steals, however this requires you to have a significant number of opponents stealing from you, to keep spies pinned. For this guide, I will assume an OAF account with minimal/no spies. _________________________________________________________________________________ So you want to be an OAF? No, not a clumsy person, an Open Attack Farm. An OAF is a player with an attack build who allows other players to freely steal from them. They are largely overlooked when it comes to plunder wars, but are a valuable addition to any clan. If you want to become a maxed OAF, you've got a long road ahead of you. With the recent addition of the Highlands, it costs 3,287,803,737,000 to build a full HLCBC OAF. That's just under a whopping 3.3 TRILLION. Some useful guides and advice for new players/aspiring OAFs. Starting Guide by Truz. The KaW Grand Guide; from Formulas to Clans by Raeki. BUILDINGS & LAND by Sexwulf. Tips (Miscellaneous ally tips) by Trex. Guide to Ally Ownership and Ally Plunder by tmh/Necrogenic. Becoming an OAF is not hugely difficult (in fact it's possibly the simplest of all major builds), and so doesn't require too much explanation. The most basic OAF build includes no spy buildings at all, but I would advise any aspiring OAFs not to go pure attack from the start. 4-5 L4 guilds is a worthy addition to any kingdom, and can save a lot of hassle with unwanted steals. Once you're build complete on other lands, it's simply a matter of selling the guilds and replacing them with the buildings of your choice. The only other important advice I would give to any new players who hope to turn their account into an OAF is this: Find a home clan early. Due to the massive increase in the number of plunder wars ingame, many new players do not find themselves a home clan, they merely clan-hop between plunder wars. This is BAD. A home clan is hugely important, for all players, but especially for any would-be OAFs/OSFs as it provides a safe place for you to grow, with the help of the other clan members. If you are planning to become an OAF for that clan, they may offer to help you grow by providing you with war tax from plunder wars. War tax is always nice, but don't expect to get it to help you grow - at least not until you're a decent size and able to pull your wait as an open OAF! _________________________________________________________________________________ So you want to open as a PW OAF? This is, as the thread title suggests, what this guide is really about. Let's assume at this stage that you're an experienced player in your own right. With the help of friends and clan members, you've built up your kingdom from nothing, to achieve a combined stats of several million. Maybe now it's time to give a little bit back? Before finding yourself a plunder war, you'd better make sure you have everything you need. Here's a few essentials (the uses for all shall be explained later): - 'Summon Darkness' potions (1000+). - Allies valued 100,000,000-200,000,000 (as many as possible, ideally 100+). - An alt account. Your second task as a plunder war OAF is to find a suitable plunder war. If you chose your home clan well, you won't need to look far. If not, just take some time out to visit various plunder war clans. You'll inevitably find one or more without an operational OAF. Stick around in the clan for a while, watch how they work, maybe get to know the admins and clan members while you hit their OSF. It's important to get the feel of the clan, before offering them your services. If you feel good about the clan, go ahead and contact the owner, to offer your services as an OAF to that clan. So now you have everything you need to open as an OAF, and you've found yourself a suitable clan to open for in a plunder war. It's time to get started. When your clan's plunder war is close to the start, you should bank all gold you have out in 100mil allies. Any gold you have left below 100mil, bank in 'Summon Darkness' potions. Any gold left below 12mil, leave it. A short while before your plunder war starts, unload your troops onto the largest OSF you can hit, until you have ~15% troops left. This should put a large amount of gold out on your account, and this is how you stay 'open', by having gold out. Depending on the size of your plunder war, and the number of steals you receive, the gold from one full unload should last anywhere from an hour, to several hours. If you're especially active, and are open in a small plunder war, it can be possible to remain open 48 hours just by unloading your troops from full to 20%, every time you are online. Ideally however, you'll be in a busy plunder war, and so the gold you receive from a troop unload will disappear rapidly. This is the point where the items I listed previously come in handy. There are three main problems you'll encounter as an OAF: Problem 1: Your troops are being assassinated. Either accidentally or intentionally, your troops have been killed, and are now just below 20%. This means that you'll appear as DTW for anyone trying to steal from you, regardless of gold out - What do you do? Don't panic. In this situation, just let time fix it. By that, I mean that you just need to wait for a single troop regeneration. No matter what happens, if you've been assassinated, your troops will always regenerate above 20% in a single troop regeneration. _________________________________________________________________________________ Problem 2: You're online, and your gold is running out, but your troops are low! They're at 20% so you cannot hit an OSF to replenish your available gold! How do you manage to keep yourself open for steals? This problem is easily dealt with. Simply go to The Marketplace, locate your stock of 'Summon Darkness' potions, and drop 10-20 of them. The gold received from dropping these should keep you open until you're next able to unload your troops on an OSF. _________________________________________________________________________________ Problem 3: You're having to go offline, or (worst case scenario) you're going to be offline the entire 48 hours of the plunder war. How do you manage to keep yourself open, if you aren't online at all? Many people do not realise it, but it's actually easily possible to keep an OAF open, even if the account's owner is offline. It's slightly more complicated as it requires participation from at least one person in the opposite clan, but still relatively simple. This is where those allies you stocked up on earlier come into play. Any time you are DTW for steals, but offline, someone on the attacking side must try stealing once. If DTW again, they must wait for 5 minutes before trying once more**. If the OAF is still DTW after 5 minutes, ONE of his allies valued 100-200million must be bought. It is best to have one person responsible for this, to avoid multiple allies being bought in the confusion. With plenty of allies, this process can be repeated over and over again, until the OAF is able to get online once more. ** Note: This is to ensure that the OAF has not merely been assassinated/attacked to kill it's troops. Waiting 5 minutes allows the OAF, if pinned, to regen once. If they were pinned, this will allow players to steal again. If they're still DTW, this means that they're out of gold. CONGRATULATIONS. You will hopefully have just completed your first plunder war as an OAF. If you're lucky, you'll be rewarded with a portion of the war tax. Don't get complacent though! Use any war tax you receive to restock any potions used, and allies sold, through the course of the plunder war. Then, well aren't you lucky, it's time to do it all again! That concludes this guide (because I've run out of things to type). I hope it hasn't been entirely useless, but I realise that the majority of it is nonsense. Please leave any comments, opinions amd criticisms (constructive or not) as a comment, and if necessary I'll edit the guide to improve it. Thanks for reading!
Pwars will no doubt persist for awhile afterwards. And this is a good basis to create other more relevant guides.
I just realised that there's 2 paragraphs which were in White font, and so they do not show up on the iDevice forums. I'll fix this as soon as I can.
Theres still gonna be pwars after pve cuz some ppl wont even want to put in the effort to think about wat potions to use on bosses or watever. Pwars r easier than pve so theyll go back to doing wat theyve always done: hitting osfs (aka nothing)
Fixed the two paragraphs that couldn't be seen on iDevice forums. They're the 2nd paragrah '**Note' and the 3rd from last paragraph '**Note'.
There will not always be pwars actualy, the devs intend (from what i have read) to change the war system (eventualy) to remove pwars
None of the information in this thread has been gathered from plunder wars, I've learnt it all from opening for world chat. So even if plunder wars disappear, there will hopefully still be players who open for world chat, and they may be able to benefit slightly from this.