I have been approached by many people asking me how to be an OSF. What are my tricks for being a pure spy. Well since I can’t seem to stay away from the game (It’s addictive!), I will share my tips and secrets. This is going to be a very long post, if you don’t want to learn by all means leave the thread. If you are here to flame me - go ahead. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. - HOW TO OSF II. - A PROPER STRIP BANK III. - STRIP SCARE IV. - STRIPPING V. - PYSCHOLOGICAL WARFARE VI. - PREVENTITIVE MEASURES AGAINT THE STRIP VII. - THE BATTLE LIST - UNTOLD SECRET VIII - STRIP COSTS IX - MY SHOUT OUTS I - HOW TO OSF So you want to OSF. First and foremost being an OSF takes lots of time and dedication to the game. You have to be at your account for hours upon hours. It takes a lot of time and effort and there is a lot of things you have to keep track of as an OSF. First how the game mechanic works - When an OSF has gold out and his spies are above 20% he is considered “open”. When someone attacks you, they take your gold and because you have no attack or defense buildings, they almost always win. Some key things to being an osf - When you are open keep your spies at 20% - The less spies you have the less gold you lose. When I am full on spies I lose 7-10 mil a hit. When I am at 20% I lose 1 - 1.2 mil a hit. That is a huge difference. If you have a bad connection (Like me). Dropping the 12 mil attack pots is best. 300 mil is the safe amount to keep out when you are at 20% - This will allow you to stay open without DTW happening. You will lose 1 - 1.2 mil a hit and simply have to drop 1 12 mil pot or so every now and then. When you want to close all you have to do is drop your spies below 20%. They will no longer be able to attack you, and you can bank the remainder of your gold. II. The Proper Strip Bank So you want to build a strip bank. A lot of people load up an attack build but myself being a spy I have two options - I can save up in pots. Or I can build what I like to call a strip bank. This is a pretty easy concept get yourself an ALT (You are allowed to have 1 computer account and 1 account per Idevice). Have him at 0/0/0/0. Buy Defense pots the small ones no need to go crazy getting the expensive ones. Host a Pwar and when its time to give the tax take the alt and build 1 guild. - Do your steals (Explained later). Now all your gold is sitting on that alt. You don’t have to bank it into pots (Avoiding the penalty for taking it out and putting it away). If you strip someone the allies can sit dormant and eventually they will sell. Stripping and farming that account is virtually impossible so your gold will be safe sitting on your ALT. If you need more gold do another pwar or drop your allies if its time sensitive.
III. THE STRIP SCARE This is where you purposely strip someone when you know they are still awake. The purpose of the strip scare is to change there out of game behavior. They will know you are coming for them and will adjust there sleep schedule for fear of waking up with no allies. A strip scare is coordinated as follows you want to wait till you feel they will be away for 30 - 40 minutes. Strip away all there allies and then use 24 crystals spying away there gold with steals. I prefer to also open them to World Chat. (Not against the rules - saying someone is open is simply alerting the community that gold is out on the account and is able to be stolen). ** Say all you want that this tactic is a chickens way out, fact of the matter is, the game is about war - Lone Rangers of course need help to maximize damage why not use any and all game mechanics to your advantage. Also I like to open once I have bought all their allies and start stealing. This prevents them from hitting you and gaining back gold. All of WC will soak up all the hits. That is a personal tactic, not necessarily the best way but I like to see them get back nothing. IV. STRIPPING So you want to strip someone? Well first and foremost do your research. See when they are hitting you the most. Plan accordingly. Ask around see if anyone knows what there time zone is in PALRINGO. Also if you are friends with them in palringo or can find someone who is friends with them there is a location feature in their profile. Get your friends involved. It takes a lot of steals to empty someone. You yourself will only do partial damage. Try to burn there pots a few days in advance, hit them ritually over and over, burning there spy pots. So you have gotten there pot supply down. You know when they are awake and asleep. Go for them when they are asleep. Start by buying all there big allies first. And start lower on the list. (If there clan is watching them if you buy the lower listed allies they are less likely to notice the change in their ally list.) You buy the bigger allies for 2 reasons. 1- if you run out of funds you can drop those and continue to strip with the funds you receive back. 2 - You want to do the most damage possible. If you get the big ones out right away and have people start a bit early you may end up getting more out of them than normal. Strip targets are usually ones with low spy defense - You are stealing so this is kind of obvious. Also make sure you stay off them for a good hour before you strip. How many spies they have effects how much gold you can steal. Once they are at 0 spies you are not stealing all that much from them. It is important to get as much gold out as possible and hit them when they have full spies it will maximize the damage. It takes almost 10,000 successful steals to truly empty someone. Keep that in mind. And that is no matter how much gold they have out. It scales. V. - PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE One thing that is overlooked is the fact that most wars are just psychological. Don’t write on the enemy’s walls - It gives them a link. If you are going to make sure it is to the point and about the game mechanics. Tell them not to go inactive - You are disrupting their real life if they are constantly checking their phone to prevent you from stripping away their hard earned allies. Don’t feed the trolls - Most of them are trying to scare you into stopping , Don’t worry about that. If you don’t respond that gets to them much more than you attempting to respond and feeding the fire per say. Another thing, responding or deleting wall posts alerts them to when you are awake/asleep. You want them to not have a clue what your schedule is. That you could strip them at any moment. I prefer to hit them with spies at all hours. If I wake up in the middle of the night, Ill do a quick unload just to let them know “yes I am awake right now”. You pick and choose when to alert them of your times, don’t let them influence it. They can not do anything to you as an OSF. Sure they can pin you, but what are they really gaining? Not much. I don’t even invest in spy defense pots unless I am doing a system war. That way they are literally gaining nothing from keeping you pinned except a false sense of security. When in reality, when you strike you will be buying their allies and crystaling 24 times to maximize damage. When you are going up against a clan - Strip from the bottom up. You want to maximize damage. Usually the top players in a clan use nobility. They will just buy back what the lose. The smaller players work hard for their gold, and will complain GREATLY when stripped. A lot will leave. Your goal when warring a clan is simple, destruction. The more people you effect the better. Keep tabs on who is hitting you when they are hitting you etc. The enemy makes the mistake a lot of times of giving you a time line by pinning you and by writing on your wall.
IV. Preventative measures against the strip This doesn’t have anything to do with being an OSF. But heck I’ll help out the attack builds. Do not give them a time line. Don’t attack ritually when you are online. Do not wall them. Turn off your location in Palringo. Cover your allies. Everyone has those big allies now a days. Hide them. Buy 12,000 allies and fill up all your slots. It takes a lot lot lot longer to strip you if the guy has to constantly go back to your profile after each 12,000 ally. Plus you will receive 250 notifications instead of just 5 or 6 of them. It will greatly improve your chances of preventing a strip. (This can be applied to anyone 12,000 is hardly that much gold. You can virtually protect yourself and deter strips with this very tip) Hiding your big allies means they have to fully strip you to get any benefit. They can’t nickel and dime you to death. If you are online when a strip is occurring. DO NOT buy back the same allies. You are just feeding their strip funds. Force them to drop those allies. You want roughly 800k to 1,000,000 spy defense base from your buildings when you are LCBC. Also don’t forget to get spy allies - If you can deter 40% of their spy attempts you have virtually shut them down and made a strip on you very unlikely. Don’t Panic. If you are being stripped don’t panic, just simply start buying new allies right away. To many people panic. Remember it takes 10,000 successful steals on you if not more to empty you out. VII. Battle list untold secret. The battle list is generated with people that are online currently. If you are going to strip someone try to find someone roughly their size. Have them cycle through their battle list. If they show up on the battle list they have been active on their account within the last 20 or so minutes. That is definitely not a good time to strip them. This is just a tip I found out when I was constantly using the battle list to earn gold. VIII. Strip Costs Stripping can be pricy. However it doesn’t cost nearly as much as you would think if you are drop stripping. 300 bil goes a long way. If you are drop stripping with 300 bil. That is actually quite a bit more. 300 bil - Drop all allies you receive back 60%. 180 bil. Drop that you get back 108 bil. Then 64 bil . Then 38 bil. Then 23 bil. Then 13 bil. That 300 bil just became 726 bil in strip funds. That is why you start with the bigger allies first. You can drop those and continue stripping the smaller allies as well. Stripping leaves you with less gold. Its destructive on both parties - but as I said. I play for war, destruction, and mayhem. IX - My shout outs Zazui - You are the best. You have helped me with so much and your theory crafting and constant support is always appreciated Gid30n - You have been there for me through it all. You have been stripped because of me countless times and still stood by me as fierce as ever. You are a true warrior and an even better friend. iMaki - You are to nice! Majesty - When you going to start warring again Sparta - Love being involved with your clan, you guys make the game and wars/pwars interesting. Amasiku - You’re my bro man, keep on trucking you’ll someday catch up to me HAHA. Inter - Thanks for encouraging me to make the guide man. All the others - You know who you are.
Robin thank you for taking the time to put this information out to the kaw community. As always you managed to impart your tactics succinctly as well as made it an enjoyable read. Very well done my friend
O divine art of subtlety and secrecy! Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible; and hence we can hold the enemy's fate in our hands. Thx u TJ, u are inventor and pioneer of strip/farm business on KaW