Beginners Guide To Kaw

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by J3abys-In-J3lack, Sep 21, 2010.


    Ally plunder is a very important thing Multiple people dont understand. when you get around 60k attack youll NEED allies, to get your ally plunder up youll need to buy expensive allies. The More allies you have the better youre plunder would be. At one point your plunder becomes Capped If you want to grow well you NEED your plunder to be capped. Plunder capped means your making the Maximun ally plunder you can make on any target. The stronger the target the more higher your Plunder Cap is.NEVER Sell allies for upgrading, if you sell your allies and upgrade your ally plunder will severely decrease and you will upgrade much slower,cap your plunder, then start upgrading


    STEP 1-Attack Anyone, Preferable Inactive Or OSF

    STEP 2-Record the ALLY Plunder, Not Total Plunder

    STEP 3-Buy An Ally, of Any Price

    STEP 4-Hit The SAME Target You Hit The First Time

    STEP 5-Record the ALLY Plunder

    [Now Compare The 2 Numbers, if they Match, your plunder is capped, time for upgrading, if theyre diffrent, even by 1 Numbers, your not capped, buy more allies
    When I Was Upgrading I Did a plunder test every time i upgraded, i suggest doing the same to stay capped

    Farming is a very intresting topic that many people debate around, im just here to express my views. Farming started off as hitting someone over a period of time,

    Ex-Player A Hits Player B 5 Times, 50 Minutes Later, Player A hits player B 5more time

    that was the original conceot of farming some Oldies Still Use. if your a new player reading this guide, you should not hit someone more than 5 times for 24 hours. That is what is considered farming now. if you farm someone you should be careful, peoplewill retaliate and have clans retaliate and you can also get kicked from a clan. People are diffrent, some people wont care if you hit them 12 times, other people will get very andgry and retaliate with full force.

    Ive Seen Many people try and report someone for farming. This is important, Farming is NOT a cannot get someone banned for farming, please do not report to a moderator it will just be wasting theyre time. if you get farmed, you might want to join a clan, get your clan to help you,retaliate and force the farmer to stop. if your in a clan, and someone farms you, do not retaliate immediately, report to an Owner/Admin, someone in a clan farms you, report it to thier owner/admin, its a good idea to take screenshots of farming (Home and Power button) and send them through the free app palringo

    Of course, if you are in a war, farming is always acceptable, in war hit someone as many times as you wish

    Clans are an important part of the game, joining a good clan will be very helpful, you should join a nice clan with knowladgeable players who will help you grow, they will give you advise and lead you through the game. Many clans have OSF's which will help you grow, make sure you follow thier rules and do not hit while closed. Most clans have rules, such as no Farming, No Cussing people out, etc..., clans have admins and an Owner, they can accept you into clan, change titles, change clan bios and kick you, you must respect owners/admins and you shouldnt ask to be admin, most owners will not like that. Many Clans also have stat requirementsm which means you must have a certain strengh to join, it counts ally bonuses, so if you need 200k combined to join, your ally bonuses must combined to 200,000. Strong clans will have subclans, if your not strong enought to join a main clan, you will join a subclan, they will help you groe until you can join main

    Pots=Potions, what you buy from the marketplace

    Pin= When someone has under 20% troops and theyre "too weak"

    OSF=Open State Farm, a pure spy who allows you to attack them to make money

    Volly= 2 people buying someone over and over again

    Clan=A Group of people who help eachother

    LC=Land Complete, Mean you have all 25 lands explored

    BC=Build Complete, You have all lands explored and all your buildings are T3 Lvl 3 or Lvl 4 Guilds

    T1=Workshop,Barracks, Stable

    T2=Forges, War Cathedral, Beastiary

    T3=Subteranean Factory, Summoning Circle, War Aviary


    Until your build complete, allies are mostly important for ally plunder, though u should also volly newly resets and new players on world chat, youll make a nice profit if you dont keep. once you Build complete, ally trading becomes the most profitable way to make money, you should find an ally range buy allies from that range that have 10k combined stats per 100 million they will sell off of you and you will make a profit of 1.5% what u paid. The stats you get from allies are important as well, if your wondering about the calculation, 1,000,000 Bonus From Allies=20k attackofif your attack bonus from allies is 2 Million, thats +40k Attack. While ally trading and making money from attacking, you should be able to get your ally bonus up and become much stronger
  2. Re: FARMING

    I'm not an "oldie" but I couldn't care less about noob definition farming. It's gets a bit irriating after an hour, and without context after a couple hours I will confront them.
  3. Re: FARMING

    Sooooooooo, im just bored and tired of seeing ppl report to mods bout farming x.x
  4. Re: FARMING

    It's like "duh. If I wasn't allowed to hit yoh then... Why am I allowed to?" lol
  5. Re: FARMING

    Toast stop farming me. It hurts. STOP!!! what's farming again?
  6. Re: FARMING

    j if you want those hits go now I have almost full 
  7. Re: FARMING

    thank u for posting that, im tired of noobs thinking that 5 hits is farming
  8. Re: FARMING

    Lol good job copy my thread :p
  9. Re: FARMING

  10. Re: FARMING

    I made the thread you posted the same content as my thread but 1.5 hours later!
  11. Re: FARMING

    i didnt see it
  12. Re: FARMING

    lol sure
  13. Re: FARMING

    Look now j 
  14. Re: FARMING

    Lol blackbird some of te stuff is likr exactly the same xD but we'll support both for DOUBLE FARM POWER!!!
  15. Re: FARMING

    It could be worse, once I had someone hit me 18 times in about 8 hours. When I chatted with a leader in their clan said that I was making that I started it and was false accusations, all based of thier clan members word with no proof . So sometimes reporting to some clans does not work.
  16. Re: FARMING

    Lmao tigaz thats not farming 18/8 hours unless your saying he was doing this for couple o days
  17. Re: FARMING

    Im sticking with the 2 or more days as the time thing since maybe the guy had a bad day xD although ill say 50+ times is enough - tigaz it appears te guy jst did a troopdump on u.
    Sometimes i just quickly come on and mean to hit my inactive but end up hitting someonr rlse occasionally. Maybe ur atker was a good person and it was an accident he didnt realise sice he didnt mean to atk u
  18. Re: FARMING

    well according to j3's description that's farming ;) but that's okay I did more damage to them in one hit
  19. since i made like 3 small guides i decided to put it into one, updates will be made :D