relativity and quantum MECHANICS

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by RoYaLNaVy, Jun 20, 2017.

  1. Didnt I farm you during PvP weekend? Your stats look familiar.
  2. Idk? So many peasants in pvp weekend, i cant remember if you were one of them
  3. If the universe is infinite every possibility has to exist ...1. You misunderstand what I wrote 2. You don't underhand the implications of an infinite universe 
  4. I havent seen any convincing arguments for why there should be one infinite universe. It simply doesnt work out.
    I think you're confusing it with an infinite amount of universes

  5. No I'm not confusing what I'm saying with an "infinite amount of universes" ...I'm literally referring to "1" universe that is infinite with out end (time or distance) ...IF the universe is "infinte" then that literally means EVERYTHING will repeat itself an infinite amount of times ...I'm not saying that somehow you're sentience/consciousness is split an infinite amount of times what I'm saying is you'ld have an infinite number of variations or twins out there. When you're talking about the possibility of what may and may not exist in an "INFINITE" universe statistical odds are literally meaningless. In an infinite universe EVERYTHING is repeated an INFINTE amount of times

    So what arguments or evidence have you seen that convinces you the universe is finite?
  6.'s not a passé question what X referred to and someone else literally depends on whether you believe in "1" infinite universe or multiple universes
  7. So if the universe is finite what lies outside this universe ...nothing? Or more universes?
  8. So do you believe in Big Bang? Do you think the universe is ever expanding or cycles between expanding and contracting? can a finite universe be ever expanding? What's it expanding into?
  9. Big bang is the most likely theory right now, so yes. The universe so far has only expanded, but not at a constant rate. Why couldnt it be finite even if it is expanding? On the contrary an infinite universe couldnt expand, because by definition its already infinite. A balloon is still finite while you're inflating it, even though its expanding. As far as what it expands into, no freaking idea.
  10. Not that i'd stand by any theory currently but what if it only appears to be the universe that is expanding but rather it's everything else within it becoming compressed at a rate that would give the universe the appearance of expansion, would that give more plausibility to a finite universe? It might explain the reason why there is a big bang every so often, if finite, as everything being pulled in towards each other would eventually reach a maximum denseness limit then rapidly expand again towards the path of least resistance. Technically the amount of space wouldn't change, just the density of the objects within the space which supply the means of relavant observation. But neway i'm just spitballing an idea here, idk enough, so please please feel free to point out the faults here.
  11. Its actually becoming less dense. I dont think its terribly relevant to debate whether its expanding or simply becoming less dense, as the effect is the same, although the former makes more sense.
  12. Why does it make more sense if there's no certainty of what the universe could be expanding into? ...we know now from the observation of red shifting that even light particles, the presumably smallest particles, aren't occupying as small a space as they can be while we have no observation of what the universe could be expanding into & i would think it's fairly relevant to a point of a finite universe for it would give a parameter of a total and unchangeable space that is occupiable.
  13. The size of the universe is unmeasurable either way. It just makes more sense to me to see it as becoming less dense rather than expanding because its an explanation for why and how the expanding is accelerating
  14. From what I understand parts of the universe are expanding others are not's not expanding as a perfect circle or shape per se and if I understand correctly what we understand as physics may just be "a local" phenomenon maybe that we live in a bubble where things make sense or there is order but outside that bubble maybe pure chaos.

    ....not sure if I'm remembering that all correctly

  15. can it becoming less dense with out expanding? Where would the disappearing mass go?
  16. Less dense doesnt mean mass disappears, just that its spread out over a larger area.
  17. That was demon who wrote that not me but he's right, the mass would be the same, just spread out... and to get back to the acceleration of expansion, i was thinking if simultaneous expansion and compression were occuring but the expansion rate wasn't as fast as the compression rate that could still make for observation of accelerated expansion, as long as the compression rate was also accelerating, like we see when objects get closer to a denser mass. It's like trying to throw a paper plane at a car to stop it accelerating, it's not going to work normally, however if we densified and sped up that plane enough it would but if we also densified and sped up the car at a rate the would equal the effects as would normally be observed you'd cancel out the effects of the plane being densified and sped up. And I've seen that idea about bubbles of order and chaos too todd, i think it's quite interesting and definitely worth looking into more.

  18. Im a very casual fan Bjorn it's all very fascinating to me. TBH I'm not educated enough to understand it all right off the bat ...I have to slog through it a few times to get the gist of it & im not really good at articulating what I know, but I know enough to know what I don't know and what I should learn more of. The whole thing seems more science "philosophy" then anything.

    The whole finite/infinite question blows my mind but Ild have to agree that it's probably finite. If it was infinite seems like to me we'ld see aliens and time travelers and other crazy stuff.
  19. You're both wrong ...he'ld be right IF the universe was expanding but read what I wrote .I Wrote "how can it become less dense without expanding?" ...if you're saying it just spreads out over a bigger area but the universe is finite and not expanding how is that possible?