ebs or pvp

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by __________DKotCFairy__________, Jul 9, 2016.

  1. I am new and starting out... I am wondering what I should do more of ebs or pvp, I am not really into the money aspect though that is good but I just want to know which one do you enjoy doing more?
  2. Eb's if your just starting out
  3. Eb for gold and pvp for fun
  4. This...

  5. Don't encourage the troll DDugan
    But I admit, it's a first from and kinda good
  6. We are not you, so we could tell you which we enjoy more, but how would that possibly help you figure out which you enjoy more. Some things in life you just need to figure out for yourself. Just pick someone and start hitting them. Probably won't take long to figure this out.
  7. If you are going to hit an open farm in PVP it can be really easy to get a lot of documents of surrender. They also usually pay better than ebs too, but there is the possibility that you will get farmed by other players too. Ebs are more consistent but if you can get a bombardment and keep yourself pinned on an open attack/steal farm you can get a lot more items as a smaller player.
  8. If you can place top 100 in PvP and do ebs on an efficient level, you can do good during events and in turn grow more! Remember, use Silver bars for upgrades only. It seems to be more efficient.
  9. Do whatever you're in the mood for. Its a game, not a chore.