Towers most effective on which land?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Kobe_Bron_Ginobli, Mar 1, 2016.

  1. Yes I have
  2. That's one way to look at it. Though I believe most are referring to the direct negative effect that some experience on high lands and low lands.
  3. Well I just dropped my plunder for zta and my plunder went from ~180m per hit to ~400m, so idk about all that noise 
  4. ^in reference to zta
  5. Abyss towers don't directly lower plunder. Just plunder potentials. I'd like to know about these new towers stats and affect on plunder if any have them yet though.
  6. Lol Well I have full SDT on HL and Full ADT on HF. It affects your plunder. Abbyss doesnt. As I build towers on abyss my plunder stays the same around 95-125mil per hit. I have built my attack buildings on Abbyss but my plunder still is not getting very high. The thing is not to worry about how much plunder you make as a tank but how many items you can hit in an eb or how many knockouts you can get in war.
  7. Ive not played since HL added so forgive me if this is already been gone over.

    With what people are saying in terms of the Abyss land, huge plunder potiential with atk/spy buildings and effectively 0 plunder lost if towers.

    Does the plunder not gained out way the plunder not lost? Would 25 Abyss lands with atk buildings along with 25 hf and 25 highlands towers make as much as 25 towers on Abyss and the hl and hf as atk based?

    And with that, what type of stat differnces would there be building between these options?
  8. Towers seem very ineffective on American soil
  9. What about towers on Osman Rai?
  10. I've added 3 towers my my abyss that had not been opened/built on prior. Each tower and upgrade did drop my plunder.

    It was not as dramatic a drop as I have seen on other lands but it does drop. Most people think that Ll/HL/HF drop it more than it does because of rip and replace. You get hit double. Once for the tower and once for the loss of plunder from the previous troop building.
  11. Obviously the new lands....higher total stats...why even ask such a dumb question?

  12. Look at the date this was made. Why even ask that stupid question without doing your own thinking?
  13. This may be true when you are smaller in stats and you don't have the majority of your abyss [or new] lands filled, but when I went from abyss bc with 3 sdts and 2 adts to towerless I saw a huge plunder increase per hit on hte. Meaning abyss [and new land] towers do penalize your plunder, but maybe not until you're big enough.

    Again, towers on the abyss do hit your plunder, however relative to other lands I'm not sure how large the decrease is. It may be more worth it to lose less plunder with smaller towers and gain it back with larger stats from the abyss and new lands.

    I've seen people argue towers on cheaper lands gives greater plunder in the end because the plunder gain from the new lands is so great. Not sure how true it is at build complete, but who knows. Also I've heard the plunder decrease from a tower on a higher land is less than that on a tower on a lower land. Again, not sure how that works. I think people say towers are best on biggest lands mostly because others say it :lol: If anybody has hard evidence or reasoning for the most effective tower placement I'd love to see it.
  14. Is Abyss Level 75 to 100