The Hate Club 2.0

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -_-lllllScumBanklllll-_-, Feb 19, 2016.

  1. Hey there :)
    This is just a little "recruitment" type of post, however is slightly different to the the usual recruitment adds that are often seen. I wish to gather people, a army/crew/group whatever you'd like to call it of like minded people with common goals to play kaw in our own "unique" way together. If just hating people and dragging them down is your idea of a fun day we will get along! I would like people who are wanting to crush the spirits of others, destroy their enjoyment and fun. I would basically like to completely ruin The game experience for them, if this sounds like the type of thing you would also like to do PM me and we can talk about the next victim who's life/game we can destroy.
  2. Be quiet, go away.
  3. #InB4hateclublandsonthisthread.
  4. Who's game are you going to ruin?
  5. Yawn....

    Sounds like somebody has been sucking his moms boob for far too long.
  6. I think I'll wait until the hate club 3.0.

  7. Sounds like a clan i know lol
  8. That's just aweful... Wait a minute... this used to be a war game, isn't the entire point already to ruin it for one another?

  9. Thanks ;)
  10. No fail, go away .

    Reserved .