ee mith distribution

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Pheles, Jan 24, 2016.

  1. ok so i just won an indi by 4b got 4 ko's 104 suc. actions #7 plunder and casted 16 mith and the end payouts gave me back 16+1=17 1 mith earned whats wrong with this please fix this it made me very upset :evil: so did a few others get the same result in that same war.
  2. Damn support!!!!!
  3. they have not cared about war in a war game since season 3
  5. Anyone got ss of karma getting 300+ mith?
  6. Maybe you casted early.
  7. no i casted mith last 10 mins before war started
  8. i'm a ps and i usually get 32 mith per war, kinda depressing :(
  9. Really? You must either suck or not cast much mith spells then
  10. Pure spy you noob.

  11. I can't get plunder or k/o people cause i'm a ps. that'd make me leak. I usually cast oath + spy-spells so 21 mith. 11 mith reward basically.