Tracking the New Event

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by PrestonGarvey, Oct 16, 2015.

  1. Mind Barbs:

    Psyche Traps:

    Persona Snares:

    Ego Hooks:

    Comment any ebs that are not on here currently with what they drop, and I will update.

  2. Okay. All of them. :lol:
  3. Obviously not all because he already has a handful listed. :roll:
  4. Orly? :lol:
    That my friend was a quip, a joke. ;)
  5. As was mine, a quip, a joke. My friend.
  6. Hi. A list with event drops from epic battles can be found in my Epic Battles Guide! :)
  7. Arent you just helpful with your little colored font
  8. How you're not valiant knight...
  9. Leavanny, you can find the guide right here :D
  10. Thank you Sean for being so informative on this thread with a link. And to Choco for being on top of the game