Coffer Rewards

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by PacmanSam, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. Just wondering what everyone is getting in theirs? Don't know whether it is worth nobbing those keys. I have received 1 gold crux in the only one I opened if they are often that good I might have to buy nobs.

    As of 47 posts and 117 coffers the percents atm are:

    35% - 40 Ex-41
    24% - Crux chest-28 drops
    17% - 20 ex-20
    13% - gc chest-15
    7% - 60 ex-8
    1.7% 140 ex - 2
    0.85% - 100 ex -1
    0.85% 50 Inferno - 1
    0.85% 2 xstals - 1
  2. 20 Ex
    40 Ex
    1 Crux Chest
  3. Across multiple accounts:

    4 Cruxes
    3 20 Elixir
    4 40 Elixir
  4. Random drops use nobs or not.
    Rollin da dice.
  5. Random to a degree, I am sure it gives less SOD's then crux chests. If we have a small list of drops we can see how much more rare they are and work out a not very accurate but better then nothing probability list.
  6. Its a free gift per day. Dont kick a gift horse in the mouth.

    Live, Laugh, Love, Led ️
  7. I used 50 nobs and only got elixirs
  8. Crux , gold crux, 2 xtal
  9. 1. 20 elixir
    2. 40 elixir
  10. I had this too, seems like a pattern here
  11. 20x elixir on both so far
  12. 20 elixir
    Golden crux

    Meh it's ok for like 5k a pop daily
  13. I got 60 elixir first time. Haven't opened another yet
  14. It's not like buying the keys will increase the rarity of the drop. :roll:
  15. 40 elixar
    3 crux chests
    1 gold crux chest
  16. 140 elixir
    4 crux
    1 golden crux
  17. 50 inferno
    4x 40 elixer
    Gold crux chest
    2x regular crux chest
  18. Tsk tsk this has only been going 3 days and i see a lot of gold keys used
  19. I still haven't had a chest to open lol.
  20. Yep
    No crux here yet tho. All elixir drops