EB GUIDEEverything

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by LE_NinjaGhost_TE, Apr 28, 2015.

  1. Because this don't exist already..
  2. Why? Was this amount of effort necessary for something that already exists?
  3. Is there a guide for HTE?
  4. Yes. Top of strategy
  5. I just wanted to make somthing
  6. OMFG 

  7. I know you didn't read your own awesome thread.. Quick, give this person VK, they are SOOOOOOO helpful...
  8. Re: EB GUIDE

    Not quite true... The plus sign simply does not show up in the forums... It is the ampersand sign that cuts off the rest of a post - this doesn't affect pc players :)
  9. I did read j it my own thread
  10. Cool this really helped me 
  12. No it's not a newbies guide, it's a eb guide. You even said it yourself in title.

    "EB GUIDEEverything"

    Take note of the eb guide, then a extra note of everything.

    Anyways there already is a refined eb thread that more helpful that this. I wish people would stop trying to remakes threads just because they want a bit of attention or vk

    wulf's better guide
  14. Lol fail quote
  15. Support..although there is already another guide which is better but it doesn't hurt to try 