Building Efficiency Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TERRA, Feb 28, 2015.

  1. Hello Forums, TERRA here.

    Today I bring you a guide that displays the amount of combined stat you will gain for each billion you spend on an upgrade or new land for every building (excluding towers which I will add later if people like this guide, abyss level 2/3 which I will add when I know the stats for them, and the lesser lowland buildings which I will not add).

    Thanks goes out to Neonnq (and somewhat Wulf and StoneFord) for his SpreadSheet Build Calculator. It was my source for all the combined stat levels for each building, and cost for each building and land. If anything is wrong in this guide, it was their fault ;)


    This guide can be used to help you make a decision between two building choices. To use the guide, find the building you are considering upgrading, or the land you are considering placing a level 1 on, and take note of the bolded number. This is the combined stat gain / billion. Buildings are ordered by the lands. The bigger number is better.

    Here is an example scenario:

    Ex.1: RedStar is trying to decide between upgrading his balanced highland building (T5) from level 3-4, or buying the 6th abyss land and placing a level 1 troop building on it.

    Balanced highland building 3-4 upgrade: 843 combined stat gain / billion gold
    6th Abyss Land new building: 1005.1 combined stat gain/billion gold

    Therefore building on the 6th abyss land will give RedStar more stats for his owner.

    Please note you can only compare from same building type to same building type (troop buildings vs. troop buildings, spy buildings vs. spy buildings, towers vs. towers)

    Also please not that the level 1 placement of troop buildings on new lands are AVERAGES of the combined stat gains for the balanced, attack, and defensive buildings. I did not feel they were different enough (although balanced provides the most stats) to justify creating 3 lists for each building on each land.

    By using the information I compiled, I have also created a ROUGH guide to the order in which you should build. This was inspired by Val’s guide posted around a week ago, which I found to be too general and not accurate enough. Please note that this a guide on getting the max CS for your gold, and only somewhat factors in the plunder you gain by moving onto newer lands even though it may not give as much stats. To keep this simple, I kept in things in steps that will take awhile to complete, rather than jumping around from the best choice to the best choice, since the absolute #1 best choices would be a few hundred steps long. That would be far too complex.

    - Complete Lowlands (venture into a few highlands for extra plunder perhaps)
    - Buy 15 highlands and place level 1 buildings
    - Buy 15 frostlands and place level 1 buildings
    - Buy 5 abyss lands and place level 1 buildings
    - Buy the rest of the highlands, then upgrade all 25 buildings from level 1-3 individually before moving to the next.
    - Buy up to the 20th frostland and place level 1 buildings
    - Buy 5 more abyss lands and place level 1 buildings
    - Upgrade all your frostlands from level 1-5 individually before moving to the next.
    - Upgrade all highlands to level 4. You are now HIGHLAND COMPLETE!
    - Buy the rest of the frostlands and upgrade from level 1-5 individually before moving to the next. You are now FROSTLAND COMPLETE!
    - Quit Kingdoms At War attempting to complete the Abyss Lands.

    Enjoy the Guide!


    New Troop Building (Level 1, TIER 4) Average CS Gain/Bil For Each Land

    Land #1: $0
    Land #2: $1,000 = ~15128
    Land #3: $1,000 = ~15128
    Land #4: $5,000 = ~15128
    Land #5: $30,000 = ~15128
    Land #6: $150,000 = ~15128
    Land #7: $300,000 = ~15128
    Land #8: $750,000 = ~15128
    Land #9: $1,500,000 = 15121
    Land #10: $2,500,000 = 15115
    Land #11: $3,500,000 = 15110
    Land #12: $5,000,000 = 15103
    Land #13: $10,000,000 = 15078
    Land #14: $20,000,000 = 15028
    Land #15: $60,000,000 = 14831
    Land #16: $100,000,000 = 14640
    Land #17: $200,000,000 = 14182.8
    Land #18: $300,000,000 = 13753
    Land #19: $600,000,000 = 12606.9
    Land #20: $900,000,000 = 11637.2
    Land #21: $1,200,000,000 = 10806
    Land #22: $1,500,000,000 = 10085.6
    Land #23: $1,800,000,000 = 9455.2
    Land #24: $2,100,000,000 = 8899
    Land #25: $3,000,000,000 = 7564.2

    Balanced Level 1-2 Upgrade: 10527.1 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Balanced Level 2-3 Upgrade: 15792.7 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Attack Level 1-2 Upgrade: 9555.6 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Attack Level 2-3 Upgrade: 14333.3 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Defense Level 1-2 Upgrade: 10130.2 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Defense Level 2-3 Upgrade: 15195.3 combined stat gain / billion gold

    New Spy Building (Level 1, TIER 2) CS Gain/Bil For Each Land

    Land #1: $0
    Land #2: $1,000 = ~10227.3
    Land #3: $1,000 = ~10227.3
    Land #4: $5,000 = ~10227.3
    Land #5: $30,000 = ~10227.3
    Land #6: $150,000 = ~10227.3
    Land #7: $300,000 = ~10227.3
    Land #8: $750,000 = ~10227.3
    Land #9: $1,500,000 = 10222.4
    Land #10: $2,500,000 = 10219.2
    Land #11: $3,500,000 = 10216
    Land #12: $5,000,000 = 10211
    Land #13: $10,000,000 = 10195.1
    Land #14: $20,000,000 = 10163.1
    Land #15: $60,000,000 = 10037.2
    Land #16: $100,000,000 = 9914.3
    Land #17: $200,000,000 = 9620
    Land #18: $300,000,000 = 9342.6
    Land #19: $600,000,000 = 8598.7
    Land #20: $900,000,000 = 7964.6
    Land #21: $1,200,000,000 = 7417.6
    Land #22: $1,500,000,000 = 6940.9
    Land #23: $1,800,000,000 = 6521.7
    Land #24: $2,100,000,000 = 6150.3
    Land #25: $3,000,000,000 = 5252.9

    Level 1-2 Upgrade: 6818.2 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Level 2-3 Upgrade: 10277.8 combined stat gain / billion gold


    New Troop Building (Level 1) Average CS Gain/Bil For Each Land

    Land #1: $3,000,000,000 = 12886.8
    Land #2: $3,500,000,000 = 12484.1
    Land #3: $4,000,000,000 = 12105.8
    Land #4: $4,500,000,000 = 11749.7
    Land #5: $9,000,000,000 = 9190.5
    Land #6: $11,000,000,000 = 8499.8
    Land #7: $13,000,000,000 = 7833.2
    Land #8: $15,000,000,000 = 7263.5
    Land #9: $17,000,000,000 = 6771.1
    Land #10: $20,000,000,000 = 6146
    Land #11: $25,000,000,000 = 5525.1
    Land #12: $30,000,000,000 = 4699.9
    Land #13: $40,000,000,000 = 3804.7
    Land #14: $70,000,000,000 = 2421.2
    Land #15: $80,000,000,000 = 2159.4
    Land #16: $90,000,000,000 = 1948.7
    Land #17: $110,000,000,000 = 1828.4
    Land #18: $115,000,000,000 = 1749.4
    Land #19: $120,000,000,000 = 1677.1
    Land #20: $140,000,000,000 = 1439.3
    Land #21: $160,000,000,000 = 1260.9
    Land #22: $170,000,000,000 = 1187.5
    Land #23: $210,000,000,000 = 963.7
    Land #24: $250,000,000,000 = 811.5
    Land #25: $300,000,000,000 = 678.3

    Balanced Level 1-2 Upgrade: 4168.3 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Balanced Level 2-3 Upgrade: 3127 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Balanced Level 3-4 Upgrade: 843 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Attack Level 1-2 Upgrade: 3774.1 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Attack Level 2-3 Upgrade: 2834.3 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Attack Level 3-4 Upgrade: 764.8 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Defense Level 1-2 Upgrade: 4011.1 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Defense Level 2-3 Upgrade: 3007.6 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Defense Level 3-4 Upgrade: 815 combined stat gain / billion gold

    New Spy Building (Level 1) CS Gain/Bil For Each Land

    Land #1: $3,000,000,000 = 8832.8
    Land #2: $3,500,000,000 = 8567.8
    Land #3: $4,000,000,000 = 8318.3
    Land #4: $4,500,000,000 = 8082.9
    Land #5: $9,000,000,000 = 6442
    Land #6: $11,000,000,000 = 5908.9
    Land #7: $13,000,000,000 = 5457.3
    Land #8: $15,000,000,000 = 5069.8
    Land #9: $17,000,000,000 = 4733.6
    Land #10: $20,000,000,000 = 4305.5
    Land #11: $25,000,000,000 = 3741.5
    Land #12: $30,000,000,000 = 3308.1
    Land #13: $40,000,000,000 = 2685.9
    Land #14: $70,000,000,000 = 1717
    Land #15: $80,000,000,000 = 1532.7
    Land #16: $90,000,000,000 = 1384.2
    Land #17: $110,000,000,000 = 1159.4
    Land #18: $115,000,000,000 = 1114.2
    Land #19: $120,000,000,000 = 1072.3
    Land #20: $140,000,000,000 = 932.3
    Land #21: $160,000,000,000 = 824.6
    Land #22: $170,000,000,000 = 779.6
    Land #23: $210,000,000,000 = 639.9
    Land #24: $250,000,000,000 = 542.6
    Land #25: $300,000,000,000 = 456

    Level 1-2 Upgrade: 2711.3 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Level 2-3 Upgrade: 2037 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Level 3-4 Upgrade: 507 combined stat gain / billion gold


    New Troop Building (Level 1) Average CS Gain/Bil For Each Land

    Land #1: 5,000,000,000 = 4176.7
    Land #2: 6,250,000,000 = 4083.9
    Land #3: 7,800,000,000 = 3974.4
    Land #4: 10,000,000,000 = 3828.7
    Land #5: 12,500,000,000 = 3675.5
    Land #6: 15,000,000,000 = 3534.2
    Land #7: 20,000,000,000 = 3281.7
    Land #8: 25,000,000,000 = 3062.9
    Land #9: 30,000,000,000 = 2871.5
    Land #10: 37,500,000,000 = 2625.4
    Land #11: 45,000,000,000 = 2418.1
    Land #12: 60,000,000,000 = 2088.4
    Land #13: 75,000,000,000 = 1837.8
    Land #14: 90,000,000,000 = 1640.9
    Land #15: 115,000,000,000 = 1392.2
    Land #16: 145,000,000,000 = 1178.1
    Land #17: 185,000,000,000 = 977.5
    Land #18: 220,000,000,000 = 850.8
    Land #19: 275,000,000,000 = 706.8
    Land #20: 350,000,000,000 = 574.3
    Land #21: 450,000,000,000 = 459.4
    Land #22: 550,000,000,000 = 382.9
    Land #23: 675,000,000,000 = 316.9
    Land #24: 850,000,000,000 = 255.2
    Land #25: 1,000,000,000,000 = 218.8

    Balanced Level 1-2 Upgrade: 801.2 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Balanced Level 2-3 Upgrade: 896.4 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Balanced Level 3-4 Upgrade: 1067.7 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Balanced Level 4-5 Upgrade: 1322.4 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Attack Level 1-2 Upgrade: 736.3 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Attack Level 2-3 Upgrade: 824.6 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Attack Level 3-4 Upgrade: 978.5 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Attack Level 4-5 Upgrade: 1211 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Defense Level 1-2 Upgrade: 774.5 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Defense Level 2-3 Upgrade: 866.1 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Defense Level 3-4 Upgrade: 1021.6 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Defense Level 4-5 Upgrade: 1260.6 combined stat gain / billion gold

    New Spy Building (Level 1) CS Gain/Bil For Each Land = 164400

    Land #1: 5,000,000,000 = 2989.1
    Land #2: 6,250,000,000 = 2922.7
    Land #3: 7,800,000,000 = 2844.3
    Land #4: 10,000,000,000 = 2740
    Land #5: 12,500,000,000 = 2630.4
    Land #6: 15,000,000,000 = 2529.2
    Land #7: 20,000,000,000 = 2348.6
    Land #8: 25,000,000,000 = 2192
    Land #9: 30,000,000,000 = 2055
    Land #10: 37,500,000,000 = 1878.9
    Land #11: 45,000,000,000 = 1730.5
    Land #12: 60,000,000,000 = 1494.5
    Land #13: 75,000,000,000 = 1315.2
    Land #14: 90,000,000,000 = 1174.3
    Land #15: 115,000,000,000 = 996.4
    Land #16: 145,000,000,000 = 843.1
    Land #17: 185,000,000,000 = 699.6
    Land #18: 220,000,000,000 = 608.9
    Land #19: 275,000,000,000 = 505.8
    Land #20: 350,000,000,000 = 411
    Land #21: 450,000,000,000 = 328.8
    Land #22: 550,000,000,000 = 274
    Land #23: 675,000,000,000 = 226.8
    Land #24: 850,000,000,000 = 182.7
    Land #25: 1,000,000,000,000 = 156.6

    Level 1-2 Upgrade: 545.1 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Level 2-3 Upgrade: 616 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Level 3-4 Upgrade: 716 combined stat gain / billion gold
    Level 4-5 Upgrade: 861 combined stat gain / billion gold

    Abyss Lands

    New Troop Building (Level 1) Average CS Gain/Bil For Each Land

    Land #1: 45,000,000,000 = 1898.6
    Land #2: 60,000,000,000 = 1708.7
    Land #3: 75,000,000,000 = 1553.4
    Land #4: 90,000,000,000 = 1423.95
    Land #5: 130,000,000,000 = 1165.05
    Land #6: 165,000,000,000 = 1005.1
    Land #7: 200,000,000,000 = 883.8
    Land #8: 250,000,000,000 = 753.9
    Land #9: 300,000,000,000 = 657.2
    Land #10: 400,000,000,000 = 523.1
    Land #11: 500,000,000,000 = 434.4
    Land #12: 600,000,000,000 = 371.5
    Land #13: 750,000,000,000 = 305.1
    Land #14: 925,000,000,000 = 252.5
    Land #15: 1,100,000,000,000 = 215.4
    Land #16: 1,200,000,000,000 = 198.7
    Land #17: 1,300,000,000,000 = 184.4
    Land #18: 1,400,000,000,000 = 172
    Land #19: 1,500,000,000,000 = 161.2
    Land #20: 1,700,000,000,000 = 143.2
    Land #21: 1,900,000,000,000 = 128.8
    Land #22: 2,100,000,000,000 = 117.03
    Land #23: 2,400,000,000,000 = 102.9
    Land #24: 2,700,000,000,000 = 91.9
    Land #25: 3,000,000,000,000 = 83

    Balanced Level 1-2 Upgrade: ???? combined stat gain / billion gold
    Balanced Level 2-3 Upgrade: ???? combined stat gain / billion gold
    Attack Level 1-2 Upgrade: ???? combined stat gain / billion gold
    Attack Level 2-3 Upgrade: ???? combined stat gain / billion gold
    Defense Level 1-2 Upgrade: ???? combined stat gain / billion gold
    Defense Level 2-3Upgrade: ???? combined stat gain / billion gold

    New Spy Building (Level 1) CS Gain/Bil For Each Land

    Land #1: 45,000,000,000 = 1333.3
    Land #2: 60,000,000,000 = 1200
    Land #3: 75,000,000,000 = 1090.9
    Land #4: 90,000,000,000 = 1000
    Land #5: 130,000,000,000 = 818.2
    Land #6: 165,000,000,000 = 705.9
    Land #7: 200,000,000,000 = 620.7
    Land #8: 250,000,000,000 = 529.4
    Land #9: 300,000,000,000 = 461.5
    Land #10: 400,000,000,000 = 367.3
    Land #11: 500,000,000,000 = 305.1
    Land #12: 600,000,000,000 = 260.9
    Land #13: 750,000,000,000 = 214.3
    Land #14: 925,000,000,000 = 177.3
    Land #15: 1,100,000,000,000 = 151.3
    Land #16: 1,200,000,000,000 = 139.5
    Land #17: 1,300,000,000,000 = 129.5
    Land #18: 1,400,000,000,000 = 120.8
    Land #19: 1,500,000,000,000 = 113.2
    Land #20: 1,700,000,000,000 = 100.6
    Land #21: 1,900,000,000,000 = 90.5
    Land #22: 2,100,000,000,000 = 82.2
    Land #23: 2,400,000,000,000 = 72.3
    Land #24: 2,700,000,000,000 = 64.5
    Land #25: 3,000,000,000,000 = 58.3

    Level 1-2 Upgrade: ???? combined stat gain / billion gold
    Level 2-3 Upgrade: ???? combined stat gain / billion gold
  2. reserved :)
  3. I'm so confused. Did you just make an awesome guide thats helpful? Who are you?
    This is awesome.


    Abyss lands, land 2 or something... BBCode error :(
  4. #Terrawontgetmodbecausehesbeensilencedand

  5. Clearly, the best thread you've ever made.

    Very helpful, Job well done Terra. 
  6. Wow this is actually really useful
  7. [​IMG]
  8. Good job noob face
  9. Most useful guide from TERRA, thank you
  10. Wow Terra. Great idea. Great job.Great thread!
  11. Thank you everyone :)
  12. Nice thread TERRA. Should be helpful to me one day when a seal actually drops.

  13. Well done Terra for compiling all the data. Credits to Val who basically said the same on his thread but just in words without the data.

    Just a few comments: I don't see the necessity of writing down all the different types of buildings, doing this calculation for only the balanced ones would be enough and lower the complexity and amount of data. All other buildings follow the same pattern.

    Do spy buildings follow a different upgrade order than the troop ones? I guess not (but didn't check). If that's the case, no need to write them down seperately.

    PS: Neonnq's spreadsheet should have T7 lvl1 and 2 stats. Roughly, a lvl1 balanced building has 132m att stats, lvl2 289m, lvl3 682m (double that for full cs stats).

    Well done, I especially like your simple optimal path to build, though in my opinion you should upgrade the abyss buildings first before doing the 1-5 upgrades on HF.
  14. Freaking amazing guide!

    Now i dont have to make decisions any more!

    Thanks for giving my brain a rest! 
  15. This made my morning.
  16. Interesting guide. I note on the build instructions it says:

    "- Buy the rest of the highlands, then upgrade all 25 buildings from level 1-3 individually before moving to the next. You are now HIGHLAND COMPLETE!"

    Just one suggested change. There are 4 levels on the highlands (that data is included in your charts). Would suggest editing to say upgrade all buildings from level 1-4.

    Yes, I am just that nit-picky . . . . sorry.


  17. Ah. Did not intend to right highland complete. But thank you. Highland level 3-4 is generally a poor choice compared to the other options.

    I will change it to add a step for upgrading highland to 4. Thank you.
  18. This will definitely help beginners and those who are wary of how to proceed with their build. A very well job done here. I would rather say "thank you TERRA".
  19. Well done and thank you terra.