
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Risk_It_For_The_Biscuit, Feb 19, 2015.

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  1. Just wondering, what does resetting gain you?
  2. Nothing now.
  3. Gain? A new name

    Lose? Pretty much everything
  4. Mod please delete this from at. Waste if space.
  5. Why? He's asking a question. Does it belong in the question thread? Yeah probably, its his first post this will die soon anyways
  6. Resetting used to gain you Equipment and badges. Then this stopped when it became exploitable. Players were resetting to redo quest over and over. Which therefore resulted in a major gain in Crystals and Nobs for players that reset. As soon as this was noticed by the Developers, it was taken out and made more difficult to reset.

    If you want to know what resetting gives you nowadays, there are a few options you have:
    - You can try and reset yourself
    - You may email:
  7. Low effort.. Question belongs on WC not forums..

    Please don't make KaW forums look like PIMD forums

  8. This guy is the pro at resetting 
  9. Actually, just buying nobs... the more you know
  10. On 3rd reset here.

    Advantages: getting the ability to grow at the new kaw growth rate with premium ebs

    Minor stat boosts from 3 years active achievement

    Ability to buy all pots and upgrade castle without land restrictions

    You finally get rid of unused hunt items like psion/shards/hornets junk cluttering your profile screen
  11. Another advantage: being called a noob all the time because your stats are less than 10mcs

    Disadvantages: drop builds are cluttering battle list

    Loss of all EB equipment/war equipment

    All allies dropped/price drop to value

    Your owner loses lots of gold and might have their clan farm you as you come back to stats
  12. Perfect answer.
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