Primal % Based Equip

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by OcToPuS, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. I have heard that percentage based equip still applies in primal, is this true?
    I think that its kind of stupid but just wanted to make sure.
  2. Since this is such a controversial topic, thought there would be replies pretty quick...
  3. Controversial? Not really.

    I am not 100% sure but yes, I believe the percent still works. I often see many users wearing percent equip for primal.
  4. Well, many people do it but that doesn't mean it works. I want a for sure answer, whether it still applies.
  5. What does it matter? Put it on. If it works, great. If it doesnt, it doesnt hurt you.

    Its not a controversy. It was a rumor when Primal came out and now people accept it as a way they might get a leg up.
  6. 1666 posts op. nice.

    also I have no idea cuz i dnt have that equipment