Should Hit Restrictions be Tightened?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by War-Kage, Nov 27, 2014.

  1. support, its almost laughable how bad the current hit range is, i can hit people more than 4 times smaller than me or be hit by people over twice my size. there isnt any justification for that.
  2. Support kage

    When kaw first started and until recently the percentage windows used for hit restrictions worked ok but if the devs didn't learn durning ee that the dts dtw windows are now out of control huge gaps then shame on them it needs to be adjusted then maybe we can get back to older versions of kaw Pvp and osw glory when u just couldn't stomp a guy that u are 5x bigger then or have mechanics work in reverse for really small hitters in things like ee and osw burners

    It would not only help restore the balances we used to enjoy but would also help make the game more strategic in general
  3. This is still not including BFE and BFA.
  4. I support kage bear but won't happen cause lbs will be pretty lonely.
  5. Support. But it is hat it is. I may only be able to hit that 38 mil cs twice. But im gonna hit rm. Lol
  6. Now if i can hit the right key when i spell.....
  7. im just gonna throw something out there,

    if all the large alliances have these "dont hit" list which happens to be most of them, who are all those big accounts left with to hit?
  8. Don't have to change hit restrictions necessarily - just improving battle list match ups to more even builds would accomplish a lot for events like this. Tighten the threshold for size and loosen it for time.
  9. I was not participating in event as I had rl issues going on and didn't have time to keep shards at any time and after 3 days, I only had 44 shards to show for. I think during pvp events, people should only be able to hit someone within 1m of there stats. This means everyone has a fair chance and people can't go around and kill smaller builds just so that they feel special
  10. I would like to see the devs look into it. But that won't stop people from feeding in the "bottom"
  11. At star of event I was 3.5mcs and was getting farmed by a 15mcs yes those restrictions should be tightened I also believe the should make more powerful def pots coz atm pots giveaadvantage to the attacker
  12. Pvp mechanics have needed change for years. Yes they should be tightened also mp allies need to be adjusted for today's gold market
  13. Maybe rather than alter the hit restrictions, change the incentives as to make it not worth a large account hitting a smaller one.
  14. The complaint of much larger builds farming smaller builds for shards seems to repeat in every thread I have read about this current event.

    Some have said that big players wouldn't farm small players because its "not worth it." However, many big players seem to be doing just that -- I suppose it is easier to hit a smaller player who can't hit back, rather than risk hitting a player your size who might actually pose a threat.

    To people who claim that smaller builds should "learn build mechanics" or "keep themselves in pin" I respond -- seriously?!?!? someone is supposed to forego an entire week (over a holiday week for some players, no less) to keep themselves in pin . . . . that is stupid, frankly. A better solution, IMHO, is to tighten the hit restriction or significantly reduce (and by significantly, I mean make it nearly 0) the payout when a much larger build hits a much smaller build (I'll leave it to the devs to figure out the differential that qualifies as "much").
  15. Should be if a massive att or spy hits a a well smaller build they should lose 25% of there shards as a incentive not to hit small builds
  16. Yes they should
    Im currently experiencing this situation in which for the past 7 hours i have been being farmed by V-one
    A player who is almost 4x my size
    I went from 1100 to 450 shards because of this
    Because Fully mithriled full pot and full hit on his lowest stat didnt do Anything
    I Failed every hit
    If the devs dont want to change it permanently so be it
    But at least change it for the events because this is complete bull