Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IllI_ASTHMA_IllI, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. Simple question:

    How much gold can you come up with right now?

    I am talking about liquid assets...Most people carry bronze bars or pots to sell off and or have alts that are sitting on large piles of gold. Whatever the case... How much u got?

    Side note: I am not necessarily talking about strip funds. A lot if people are assuming that new buildings are coming out soon and peeps like to be the first to build complete.
  2. So asking how much ppl have on theirs mains so u can farm the crap out of them? Seems legit
  3. Yeah because that's what he said...
  4. If is dropped some allies and sold all my bronze bars on my bank I could hire you, your owner, and your owners owner. So like 5-6T at the most wwhich really isn't much....
  5. If I sold everything, pots and allies, I would have 1T.
  6. I am now proud to say I have 300milto :p
  7. I got a gazillion shimolians
  8. A lock of hair and a frozen penny account for all my worldly wealth.
  9. Being honest? About a hundred thousand bars.
  10. 1.5t probably? Not much :/
  11. I found a nickel in the parking lot yesterday!!!
  12. 17T
  13. Think I got a couple gold coins down the back of the sofa somewhere here..... Hmmm maybe not, what can I get for a half eaten snickers?
  14. Ok immortal, that's a load of crap coming from you ... And to clarify, the question isn't how much gold you got out now... It's how much "could" you have out on 1 acct... I know peeps are preparing for new buildings and getting allies ready to drop volley etc. but this is also means for bragging rights of how much you could possible strip from another player. 
  15. 
  16. Nice visual modifications.
  17. 30,345 mystical hammers