Pure Attack Build For Ebs?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by BREAKD0WN, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. @unicorn Because we make 90% of our gold after the ebs finished. Since when has a spy build make as much per hit as a attack build with the same amount of buildings. Without Ee/plunder bonuses ect
  2. Also see original statement about us getting 90% not 100%.
  3. Still trying to figure what you two are debating given the nature of the thread is EE based not EB
  4. For best advices you should follow IronMaiden246.
  5. I'm a scrolling fool and seen ee not eb.
    I hereby shut up
  6. You generally don't want to be a pure attack/spy build for EBs. The payout at the end of the EBs does add up. Attack builds make more short term, spy builds make a majority at the end with the payout.
  7. Agreed with n8n8,basically for gold I'd go hybrid they make good gold per hit and a good payout kinda best of both worlds if you will.
  8. Actually a hansel will out earn a hybrid if you run full bars on eb.. Attack build will out earn hybrid if you skim attack bar
  9. Hybrid would be the best build for ebs........ :D
  10. Hybrid suz for eb. Hansel is best, skim spies pin troops.
  11. Hybrid powa!
  12. @ xxxbatdogxxx Attack actions make 100% when they hit and spy actions besides steal u get 100% after EB. And for the thread no pure Attack build would not work at all because u need allys( hard to find as u are still growing) and a high pay EB and a Attack build EB so no don't do it
  13. But for plunder hansel is the best with enough BFA/E u can hit anything. With hansel u get hits and great Ally bonus and the best payout at the end of an EB attack build u get gold up front but little end bonus hope this helps
  14. "Go PA, it's such a great build" - No one ever
  15. Hybrid ftw