Profilic Plubder

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Organiser, Oct 4, 2014.

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  1. Profilic Plunder - Weekend
    It has started again, 2 hours of 100% bonus, if it does not work.
    Multi Task, Delete KaW Then, Come Back, And It Will start Again.
  2. Re: Profilic Plunder

  3. I once written a better thread with my eggplant 
  4. No support
  5. - oops, apologies, I was teaching somebod, and I pasted it here, mod please /lock /delete
  6. Sure you did.. Sure.
    If you write like that to people in pm, I'm concerned.
  7. Who cares what a fictional creature says :lol:
  8. Who cares what a fictional roleplay says
  9. Many more people than the minuscule amount of people that care about your existence, RolePlays.
  10. But the organiser must be utmost organised, this is a mess  
  11. So your telling me instead of going g to PM's then pasting. You went to forums, guides,new topic, made a title then pasted... Suurreee
  12. Acetown, he requested lock. @ unicorn, are you a  head? It's ROLEPLAY not roleplays
  13. Plub plub plub plub
  14. Mod support, :lol:
  15. It's RolePlay, not ROLEPLAY.
  16. How stupid are you? :lol: capitals don't change the word in any way, it's the same thing :lol
  17. Oh yeah? Ever written computer code?

    Computer code is pure logic, and is always correct.
    "ROLEPLAY" != "RolePlay"
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