bring Cheaper Seal for HTE- $1 x 6 seal

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by FeaRCeHuNTeR, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. We understand that HTE is milking cow for dev and they earning fortune from selling Ugly seal for $ 6.
    I not saying that you give us seal for free or reduce price. Instead along with this seal bring one new small / mini seal.
    Which costs us say $ 1 and
    For HTE where we could use 6-8 small/mini seal instead of one current seal. In this way its easy for smaller clan to do HTE as spending 1$ is easy compare to 6 $ by person plus you as a dev make more money as more people will be buying mini seal.
  2. Wait until you get a seal through the f2p ebs
  3. Kind of a pointless update
  4. Or get a different person to buy it each time, after 6 hte's you'll have 6 people who spent $6 each, same as they would have using your proposed mini seals
  5. Or maybe make the seal be 1$
    Bet ATA gives hte less time so we have to buy more xtals either way we lose  just a thought
  6. LOL! Are you serious? $1 for 6!!!! That will cause way too many problems.

    1. hte inflation- 9/10 clans will run b2b hte, making the value of both seals and gold drop

    2. More people will have more gold which means that the Allie system will get messed up

    3. The progress for making a full build will be so much shorter.

    Don't forget, ata is doing this for the money they are way too greedy to make that change.

    So this is NOT happening
  7. Did u even read it? He said 1 person could buy a mini seal for $1 kind of like hive u have to have different people use item
  8. Also if this would happen how would u split the item phase :p
  9. just one phase goes go three mini sealers, the other goes to the other three :p
  10. Hes saying 6 people would need mini seals for $1, that way the mondey spent is distrubted amungst the clan a bit better, this is actually a good idea and i usually no-Support threads..

  11. Just like hive - used 6 mini seal by 6 diff person instead on 1 person using $ 6 seal .
    $ 1 is comparable easy amount to spend instead of $ 6 by one person.

    And item can be used as FFA or between 6 sealers its there choice.
  12. Thex is an idiot
  13. I was hoping for a newer hte maybe just a slight increase in price for steals but it could pay better than hte. would be better than xstaling.
  14. 3x haunt and still people ask for even more.... wow
  15. HTE has become such a regular part of KaW now that people don't appreciate how much better it is. That's why people ask for more. Kind of like a person with food. Feed them double portions consistently for so long, they no longer realise it's a double portion and end up craving more.
  16. Please explain the difference between six people paying a dollar and one person paying six? It's a reasonable proposal.
  17. That's whack..... Put seals on sale for a limited time only and watch the purchases come rollin' in, it's a no brainer. Do it now, Git To DA ChoppA