SoD and horn drop rates.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Todays_T_Rex, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Hey guys, I can't seem to find a thread on the drop rates of sod and horns. I have been looking for a few hours for one now. I was wondering if anyone knew the drop rates for them or if there was already a guild out there that I can't find. If anyone could help me out it would make me a super happy guy. I do know that this will get hardcore trolled. I have accepted this lol. thanks guys

  2. Horn drop rates- Typically 1 every 4-5 HTE or so (on a good day)

    Seal drop rates- Those drop? :lol:
  3. Less than .01%
  4. And I'm being generous 
  5. I've gotten 4 seals and a horn today, plus 36 inferno

    You jelly bro?
  6. Sod drop rates depend on an eb. Like tsg usually has one every eb.

    War beast probably 1 every thousand warbeasts
  7. Thank you beat. I dot want to know how many you have gotten I want to know the %drop rate on each individual eb so I know what to be running for them to drop. I know it is different in each eb lol. I'm not that dumb. That's why I brought up this question. But thank you beat for giving me an answer for 2 of the Ebs
  8. Rotwb you prob have about a 10% change of a x2 seal drop
  9. I seen a sod drop in almost every time in TSG, but I haven't been the receiver yet lol
  10. *Hardcore Troll* 