Kaw Events : Episode 1 with HTE Massive Savings in 3 Months

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lllAlienlll, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. Hello. My previous posts were so bad, I was getting death threats in my private messages. Ha Ha, that was a joke... but seriously to the dude who farmed me, follow back :cool: :lol:

    Anyway... I plan on turning forums into a blog... in a way that is. My goal is to write helpful,

    Okay...Helpful? Maybe not...Entertaining? Probably.

    I hope you find it entertaining...I have a low self esteem so please don't tell me directly that it is horridly boring and you would rather read War and Peace while covering for a painter on his lunch break with the only instructions to watch the wall that he just painted. In that case, you are Literally watching paint dry. And for those of you saying, oh thats not too bad, keep in mind your battery is dead and that 3 day Cat Cafe is about to end.

    Okay I'm sorry I just really wanted to mention the Cat Cafe because what the f...wait lets not make this the tenth forum about a stupid little mistake. (Alright alright it was pretty funny like why is there a cat cafe? Are the phases "Order Coffee" and "Sip Strongly" and then finish the last two bars "Recycle and Go Green" and "Cough up that Fur Ball"

    HTE Post Starts HERE
    I will conclude this little post with what most of you most likely came for, the HTE massive growth.

    I, like most players on KaW tend to be frugal with our KaW purchases. 5 bucks for one epic battle? Jeez what a "Scam" and "Rip off".... but I have been doing some exploring and some testing and I'm here to say that it is not nearly as bad as it seems.

    To start, many clans advertise 4 days of HTE for just 1 seal. If you were to stay for three months, you would end up using roughly 22-23 seals which is again roughly 112.5 dollars. Wow... a lot for an app right?

    But then I found an HTE clan that gives 5,6, and 7 day passes. 5 days = all pots for you 6= phase one yours and phase 2 FFA and then 7 days= FFA pots. Two whole extra days?! Thats quite the deal and much more profitable then soloing one HTE.

    If you then use the 7 day deal for just one seal, then you will only need to use 13 seals for a cost of 65 dollars. Again a chunk of change for many, but it is only 21.67 dollars per month.

    It pays to look around and get the best deals. Quoting a friend here....


    Feel free to post some good HTE clans that advertise longer stays. Also feel free to critique me.
  2. Umm cool. U should have added a tldr part cause u side tracked a lot lol
  3. Haha that was sort of the point. I can add a large font.
  4. Unlimited stay here :cool:
  5. NIce how does that work
  6. Some clans do a 'seal and stay' so it is a $6 surcharge to get b2b hte as long as you want

    Just sayin
  7. I have some advice for you. Don't make 3 threads in 1 hour.... especially since the last 2 sucked. Peace out
  8. I lost you at cats drinking tea in a cafe
  9. Seal and stay doesn't do b2b hte bud
  10. So ur on bout seals and u can't hit hte ... My new alts toy
  11. First good thread but don't make anymore for at least 2 days