Clan Rating Guide : (As Requested)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lllAlienlll, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. I'll start by showing you the algorithms I use. If you don't know JavaScript that's fine just watch.

    Command. Find. Me. Epic. Battle. History

    Search.... ()
  2. Interesting..
  3. Did it not fully post?
  4. Ampersand lol
  5. What's with these bad posts
  6. I think you should just keep making noob threads instead of just watching and learning for awhile. Making a bunch of threads when your clueless is a great idea
  7. Thanks Larry. Check out my latest post. Oh and it's you're.

    I'm sorry I had to
  8. Quit trolling the poor newb, larry.
  9.  Props to you, alien
  10. Get to know the community better and learn the people and try not to look dumb before posting so many threads like Larry stated .. Oh and grow