Lower Price For Seal

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by SKY-KILLER-SKY, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. #IfSealsWereOneNobFor2minsHiwManyWouldUGet
  2. I agree, we've been too harsh on these seals for too long. Let's give the seals some equality and lower prices before someone gets hurt.
  3. #FoxIsNUB
  4. We should have the purge
  5. #PurgeIsGayASF
  6. Save the seals!
  7. Your just jealous cause you know you'll suck at the purge
  8. How would the "Purge" happen in this game. Please explain you purple minded duck
  9. It would be sooo cool. I did at home so I watched Disney channel by myself without my parents permission and I also kicked over my neighbours bin hahahahhaha imagine how mad he will be lol.. Imagine what you could do on KaW :)
  10. Disney channel a good show ⊙īšâŠ™
  11. I was going to watch Cartoon Network but I thought I would save for my next purge haha. My parents would be sooo mad if they knew I was watching Disney Chanel at the moment lol it's also 8 minutes past my bedtime haha
  12. #AussieHasStrictedParents2014
    Most the time I watch porn downstairs while my little sister has friends over.
  13. That's not very nice, unless you were too purging? Are you a fellow purger???
  14. I wish it wasn't 59, or they just have one where you can buy that many in 1 purchase instead of having to make 2 separate to get 1.