Lure of the Hive Eb Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xXP_3X_Tz-ToXiCxZoNe-Tz_XP_3Xx, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. For all those wondering what the new eb is like, here is the guide. enjoy :)


    Phase 1:


    :arrow: First: Use 20(1800) Hornet Swarm on The Glimmering City

    :arrow: Second: Attack health down to 0%
  2. Special Drops from this eb


    Honeycomb Ring

    Drone Ring

    Swarm Ring

    **Note** You may only have up to one of each ring.
  3. Already one of these. Except better. This is 
  4. i cant use any of the hornet
  5. Fixed :)
  6. Seven, there is not another Lure of the Hive eb guide anywhere to be seen.
  7. Kaw_Admin literally already ******* made one. It's even still in AT
  8. Someone is begging for vk..
  9. Seven, that's not an eb guide :roll:. Eb guides look like what wulf has in his. This Is almost identical. This is just a Guide for those that want a quick glance at what the eb looks like. Why don't you read the first line a few dozen times.
  10. Actually, I'm just really really bored right now and kinda ticked. So I just did something to keep my attention and take my mind off things.
  11. Seven_ fb steal.
  12. Devs have lost their ******* minds
  13. Good guide. Thank you
  14. Is the main bar hard? Like hard for me? I'm 6mcs. It is 24 hrs so I thought it would be almost impossible.
  15. My alt was 5.4m cs and was doing like 375 damage per hit. So, no lol.
  16. good guide lets get some reports of drops
  17. got the Honeycomb ring on my first try.
  18. I got 2 rings in one drop...
  19. The main bar has a toughness comparable to warbeasts, but it pays even worse. I was making 500k per hit. It's as easy as an army killing bees.