7A9_KillerNumber_7A9 Apologize

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by LOTR_l3loodhound_LOTR, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. In my pms you somehow got into. You are asking me to open my doors and saying that if I don't you are not going to join later. I was never even gonna let you join later anyways
  2. I don't even follow u
  3. You're confusing me so much right now
  4. Octoworm, stop being such a *****.you disgust me. You are so self centered. Stop thinking that everyone cares about your b2b KA clan. You can stick that up your ass and learn how to actually post on forums.
  5. Grimzy don't worry he my Target now I'll give him plenty of love taps
  6. Onesy go and get him lol :lol:

    You must of done something to make them thing that killernumber, either that or you joined when osw was going :roll:
  7. Thank you KillerNumber. I hate him.
  8. Hahaha Grimzy oh my I got to give you props on that insult but it's not going to get you back into my clan after I kicked you the first time. Major Respect
  9. Seriously? You got mad at octoworms KA thread grimzy? :lol: holy ****…

    Let me tell you the big secret…

    It was a joke thread! Sarcasm FTW
  10. No I was in it to begin with. Then I was booted and accused of leaking Intel
  11. From a b2b KA clan????
  12. This thread wins at so much right now! Providing some pretty good amusement. Thank you for this.
  13. I started my osw life in wit and they was a great bunch of people, I've never seem them do that ever.
  14. Disrespectful of u posting cf with Lotr tags on. My guess is they're fake or obviously undeserved
  15. Maybe get a whole clan to Cf and you wont get hated