How to obtain a girlfriend

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Saint-14, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. I thought you were into goat currency.
  2. I can make an exception for pee pee touches
  3. The Beaver is a national emblem symbolizing the daily hard work it is to build a great Nation. The Beaver sits on the Tail side of the Queen on bills and coin. Although their pelts were once traded today they enjoy national protection. So Beaver pelts or tails will land you in the hoosegow. You'll have to do better than than to seduce the wealthiest of the G20 nations
  4. Thanks i got a girlfriend now
    The wedding is on the 10th
  5. This method brought to you by Holes.
  6. Lol HUCCI
    And *Facepalm*
    How about singing under her window?
  7. Im a girl I play kaw
  8. 20 camels for her
  9. Instructions not clear enough. I'm now engaged to ashes. Abort mission
  10. I guess it works on men, too. :lol:
  11. Helge ggtrv cfjh Derry freed 
  12. The funniest thread I seen in a while 
  13. Sounds like sky
  14. @Alycone

    Honey is a turn off for me so no
  15. Trojan. Ashes and I are engaged now. So we won't need you anymore. Lol
  16. Support 
  17. You only had to say no, sky. :lol: