eb discussion

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ibaski420, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. So i been out in the country driving with my family , i need to unload but it takes literally 5-10 mins cause no service or wifi out in country , i was wantin to discuss a unload all troops ( attack , assination , etc ) except items. I am discussing this cause i think it needs to be added? I think there might be another thread about this ( sorry ) leave comments down there️️
  2. A button.
  3. Nah, because what if you're doing a pot phase and you fail all your hits? Just do it manually. 
  4. its called a bot and people get banned for that stuff stay away from it
  5. Ok sorry someone /lock
  6. Woah friend... You just blow in from Stupid Town?