How much are you making in Bonus Escape or Rowtb for first h

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Midget-Lover____, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. I was just curious as to how much people are making with Ug builds?
  2. 156 Mil a hit 
  3. 112m per atk, havent tested assa, dont really plant to though lol
  4. 190m on hte. Haven't tested rotwb as no need to. 8.4b payout after single full unload.
  5. Damn val, how much of that is ally bonus?
  6. 167 on my account with estoc 5. (Similar stats as this one)
  7. Laoda is making 100b per hour.. Look at clan history
  8. 185M on hte

    Val is a hte hoe
  9. Fire - so is redstar lol
  10. 157 alts Are making 96 197 ect. Bolt there is no way your making that at your size. I only make 5 in tax on an unload..
  11. 287 on HTE ️
  12. Lady, to be fair you have a bit of ADT/SDT
  13. Lol, boosting LB's lead much...
  14. I'm aware des but that aside. Here. Example. My 12.6mil hansel alt is only making 9.6 an hte when she just unloads.