hansels build

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by fallenlucifer, Mar 29, 2014.

  1. I am looking for a guide to hansels build so if anyone can help please help
  2. And not many attack buildings
  3. You should start out with guilds. Those are good starting spying buildings.

    No but seriously. Start off attack and when you get to t3 convert to guilds. When you get to highlands convert your lowlands to t4 and SOS. You should have 75 percent spy buildings and 25 percent attack buildings.
  4. Yes I'm a fully guilded hansel only
    Take them too level 3 though; level 4 isn't worth the cost
  5. This is a world chat question please don't spam next time
  6. What's a hansel?
  7. A hansel is a real build not you sh wannabes builds