Ok, so here is a short and sweet (hopefully) explanation of why shadow hansels and guild hansels are not the issue with the war system. Yes it sounds crazy, but it's not the build itself that is causing the issues but the game mechanics. With that being said, this game needs a major overhaul to fix this "exploit" as some would call it and it's not just as easy as putting in minimum cs requirements. Issue You see, the main issue is that these small builds can hit larger ones and earn a lot of gold. Whilst the larger builds earn little to nothing off of these smaller builds because of an outdated mechanic. Sure the developers have provided equipment, and have since been making them stronger and stronger. Sure the developers have implemented higher paying epic battles that make it is easy to acquire billions in a few short minutes. Sure the developers have implemented larger buildings to allow for larger than life kingdoms that we would only dream about 3-4 years ago. But the main issue isn't that these are put into place, but rather that something else wasn't update along the way. That Something Else This something else that is outdated and needs to be revamped is the plunder system itself. You see it works based on relative size without counting equipment and bonus from allies. So when you stack these static bonuses, it doesn't affect your relative size in the plunder game. Here's why: Player 1 attacks Player 2. Lets say Player 1 is a 2.5 million combined stat guild hansel and Player 2 is a 10 mil combined stat hansel. Seeing as Player 2 is much larger, the game views the attack to be very difficult from a build perspective allowing for a much larger payout. More effort = more pay. Even if Player 1 has more bfe and BFA than Player 2, the game considers it a very difficult win. That means big money!!! But when you do it the other way, Player 2 will make very little from Player 1 due to the size difference. The game views it as a small victory due to Player 2 being 4 times larger. With all of the new additions to this game, given more gold, equip, buildings; the plunder system is still a dinosaur. It hasn't changed since the days of Stable, Forges and War Aviaries which means it's like using Windows 98 on an iPad, it just shouldn't happen! Why size restrictions won't matter Well these restrictions aren't going to matter because no matter how large you make them (or how small) at the end of the day, the smallest build wins. They can have more static attack than the larger builds to ensure victory and will ALWAYS earn more than the larger builds will make off of them. Ideas for a Solution This is where the KaWmmunity comes in. We need a solution (if we all agree to it of course) to update the plunder system. There's so much opportunity to directly affect the size of someone's build without changing their buildings that are not accounted for in the plunder algorithm. My suggestion is we include all stats into the plunder algorithm. Yes, even bfe and BFA should be included. This wouldn't be difficult to do because we already include a direct bonus to plunder for attackers if the defender are using defense pots of any sort. This would be the only fair way to account for everyone's size. Conclusion To conclude, these things are accounted for in EE "match up algorithms" but they aren't successful in my honest opinion. The solution of counting all stat boosts to accounts will even things up because if that guild hansel can make bank off of you, you should be able to make bank off of it. No more crutches, kick that away and make it a fair fight. I don't know if anyone else has noticed it but it definitely is time to make it clear. If you want to destroy a build for it's advantages, at least understand why it is overpowered rather than blame the entire setup. TL;DR Account for all stats (ig Equipment, BFA, BTA, etc...) when measuring how much to pay to an attacker instead of just build size. Please no trolls, keep this on topic for discussion ️
Very well said and organized that and you weren't raging :lol: support. It definitely needs so reworking on the Pvp side of things.
This is the first good, not noobraging thread i see about this subject. Good job Versa, and SUPPORT .
I myself was a successful SH/GH and I honestly loved the advantages of it. I just want to see a more fair playing field however because I do want to grow. It often feels like a cage being a GH/SH and once you lc, all you can do is BFA which gets soooo boring after a while....
so if stable and forges are old buildings, why am i using them? :l also, you said it hasnt been changed since like the stone age. but i did a quick search to see that it was changed friday 14 in june of 2013. after i caught you lying i cant trust anything you say about this subject
nope. youre wrong again. another quick search shows guilds were changed on the 21st of november in 2013. also, these buildings were recommended. so shut up
Also the strength of allies is the only extra thing calculated in payment (which isn't calculated in war btw, just so you know it was boycotted so badly after one failed war) adn not the whole enchilada.
At one point in time, of course. The changes were rolled back because it only increased the disparity between large and small. It was implemented in the wrong way honestly....
Support, Actual stats are only a moderate part of a good war builds strength. Plunder should reflect this in some form
Totally Versa Good Stuff and exactly what I was trying to say in my thread, Except as I keep writing more and more to explain myself I just feel like TL;DR begins to creep in, as I'm a noob to forum posting and all :lol:
TL;DR is your friend. Avoid blocks of writing and sum it all up in 2-3 sentences readers will thank you for it.
But yeah very good thread versa :mrgreen: and I totally agree its definitely the mechanics issue here for sure
They did actually do this last year some time. It meant that a LB player hitting a much smaller bfa player of equal size, made hardly any gold. There was a big outcry and it was changed back, mainly as it would impact osw in a big way. To do it just for EE would make a big difference to the outcome. Ie LB GH clan wouldn't be making 5bil each LB player and rest making nothing. As the LB if significantly bigger that opposing roster wouldn't be making much gold per atk thus evening the playing field.