GH to SoS Conversion Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IlIlIlIlI-Versa-IlIlIlIlI, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. Hello all, here is another guide from me to the KaWmmunity that specifically covers the transition from Guild Hansel to the popularized term of "Shadow Hansel" which I quite like.


    This guide is going to cover cost, hit ratio changes, plunder changes for both pvp and epic battles, as well as end payout for epic battles. Hopefully this clears the air with confusion and gives some people a more solidified answer as to what the build change will actually give.


    So a Guild Hansel is a build that uses level 4 Guilds for spy strength and maintains hansel mechanics. The popular build typically consists of 48 Guilds and 1 troop building. The idea here is to change these level 4 Guilds to level 1 Strongholds of Shadow because the Guild nerf has hit home hard to some builds. In theory, this should change every category listed above for the better.


    The slight disclaimer is that I'm using a less popular build and that consists of 49 level 4 Guilds, 6 level 1 Rime Fortresses, and 5 level 1 Unkari Ice Trees. This particular build gives me a larger hit range while also boosting my plunder, but it also keeps me from paying a large amount of money like Guild Hansels with Towers do. It's a much better build in my opinion but that's beside the point, the point is what happens when I replace my 49 level 4 Guilds with 49 level 1 Strongholds of Shadows. I keep my exact build type, BFA, BFE, and EE (Level 2) the same during these tests.

    Epic Battles

    For starters, let's cover the largest part of this game for money making excluding the ally market. This is a topic many care about and some don't even acknowledge so let's get crackin'.

    First Hits

    With the Guild's, I earned 92,655,249 plunder with my first hit on Haunting: The Escape.


    After the conversion to Strongholds of Shadow, 104,148,662 plunder with my first hit on Haunting: The Escape.


    As you can see, there was an increase of 11,493,413 for the first hits which means that the Shadow Hansel will earn 11,493,413 more for every hit due to plunder mechanics being linear.

    After a full unload of 26 attacks, the Shadow Hansel will have earned 298,828,738 more in plunder from troop unloads.

    End Payout

    After the increase in plunder for troops, let's see how the two builds compare for epic battles' end payouts.

    With the Guilds, my end payout after a full unload of both troops and spies with an equal amount of actions (63), the Guilds earned 5,794,866,018.


    With the Strongholds of Shadow, my end payout was 6,632,995,149.


    Spy Plunder

    Now considering how both builds used the same amount of actions for the same epic battles, we can get a rough estimation on how much more each spy action is actually worth.

    Strongholds of Shadows vs Guilds

    6,632,995,149 - 5,794,866,018 = 838,129,131

    Let's remove the troop portion of the end payout now.

    838,129,131 - 298,828,738 = 539,300,393

    Since I had 63 total actions for both tests, let's take 26 out of it and those remaining actions are my assassinations.

    63 - 26 = 37 (I hit during a regen both times :lol:)

    Ok now let's see how much more each assassination is worth.

    539,300,393 / 37 = 14,575,686.2972973

    Let's clean that up a bit with some rounding, so it's around 14,575,676.3.

    This means that Shadow Hansels earn roughly 14,575,676.3 more per assassination than Guild Hansels on Haunting: The Escape.

    Epic Battle Conclusion

    So the Shadow Hansel earns more than Guild Hansels by a large margin, but the majority of the boost comes from troop plunder which means Shadow Hansels have a much higher allies bonus than Guild Hansels. They also get higher epic battle payouts due to their assassinations being worth more. Let's see how this build does in PvP.

    Hit Ratio

    Alright, let's start off with Hit Ratio. During both build tests, my hit ratio did not change at all or it did very minimally.

    With the Guilds, I was able to hit the 19th on my CR who isn't far off from the 18th, which is a pretty good hit range.

    With the Strongholds, I was able to hit the 19th and still couldn't reach the 18th on my CR. This leads me to believe that the Strongholds aren't much of an improvement on hit ratio, or at least not large enough to depend on.

    How Much I Pay/They Pay

    As a Guild Hansel, I asked two volunteers to hit me and report how much they took (both from full troops). The two people that hit me were a Large Towered Attack Build and a Shadow Hansel.

    Shadow Hansel

    The Shadow Hansel reported hitting me and earning 29.8 mil.

    I reported hitting 29.998 mil or 30 mil.

    Towered Attack Build

    He wanted an honorable mention so here it is! Thanks for your undeniable help, Twin!!!

    Alright, back on track:

    He reported hitting me for 16.5 mil.

    I reported hitting him for 61.6 mil.

    Now let's see what the Shadow Hansel has to offer.

    Shadow Hansel

    The other Hansel reported hitting me for 31.5 mil.

    I reported hitting him for 35 mil.

    Towered Attack Build

    He reported hitting me for 23.7 mil.

    I reported hitting him for 68 mil.

    PvP Conlusion

    As you can see, I earned more per hit but so did others. The interesting thing here is that I plundered more than another Shadow Hansel and the plunder differences were not equal. When I was a Guild Hansel, we earned almost the same amount off each other per hit but as we are both Shadow Hansels, I earned 3.5 mil more per hit than him.

    Also, the Attack build's earning changed more than mine. Sure he only makes 23.7 mil but that's roughly an 8 mil change from when I was a Guild Hansel. I earned 68 mil after my conversion which equates to a 6 mil increase in plunder.

    Total Cost of Conversion

    155,232,000,000 Gold

    Final Thoughts and Conclusions

    So the conversion is nice if you are doing it for the right reasons. If you really want a higher hit ratio, do not convert, invest into allies instead. If you wish to earn more in epic battles, convert.

    The PvP portion spells out that the bigger you become, the more you will pay. You will pay less as a Guild Hansel than as a Shadow Hansel and the prior tests show that against larger builds, you are actually losing money with the conversion when compared to the Guild Hansel. Sure 68 mil sounds nice, but your plunder only increased by 6 mil when compared to the larger build's 8 mil change. This spells a -2 mil plunder change. This isn't massive, or influential as long as you have a tactic/strategy that doesn't allow you to receive a massive amount of incoming attacks. War Smart and this conversion is for you.

    TL:DR - The SoS conversion may be in everyone's best interest depending on what they want out of it.

    Hopefully this helps everyone in their future decisions and I hope you enjoyed reading yet another long and informative thread :D
  2. Dude. Step 1: make 3.4 bil

    Step 2: sell guild
    Step 3: buy SOS level 1
  3. Read it. :lol: it is not a step by step
  4. Nice post! I've already converted but it's nice to see everything that I have experienced with the new builds to be the same for everybody and the hit ratio and i pay/they pay section was very informative also.
  5. Awesome post, thanks for clarifying so much!
  6. BB fail lol.

    Great guide. Make a different guide for goblin hansel (lvl 1) and a elf hansel (lvl 3).
  7. Ya, that damn bold at the end :lol: I couldn't decide if I wanted it or not
  8. I'll contradict you where you say it's bad for PvP plunder. The reason why I say this is because you make more gold per stats on a SH than a GH.

    I believe that the reason why the big guy had a bigger increase in plunder from you than you had from him was because of how much difference there was in stats beforehand. If the big towered attack build were to grow, I think that you would have a bigger increase in plunder than he would because the stats would be more diverse.

    So, for a follow up test, you could have that same attack build upgrade some buildings, and test the plunders again.
  9. There you are versa! Haven't seen you around in forever! Nice thread.
  10. There's no need for a follow up test. You telling someone else to grow is adding another variable to the equation which makes it more difficult to test. Also, the plunder thing is just an interesting tid bit of information you can't disagree with because it's there. It doesn't hold any point other than warring smarter to avoid receiving hits because you will pay more, that's all.
  11. Guess who is going Convert there guilds soon?
  12. Let me take a guess... Vengeful??? :D
  13. Wrong!!!!!!
    .....ok maybe
  14. Very informative and well put together test. Nicely done sir. Thank you.
  15. Your part about the assassination value makes me wince.. The way you divided end plunder by the number off assassinations to find an "average per hit". Yucky math.
  16. Im going for strength ive already converted all guilds in low lands to max sos and now im going for vols