Looking for T6 building screenshots? This thread is for those who wish to plan ahead for Hoarfrost or just plain want to take a sneak peek into the Ice lands. *Upload T6 Lvl 2 Buildings in the comments below, I would be happy to quote you **In the future, I will edit the images to display on mobile phones. For now, just view on your PC See also: Page 11 of Wulf's Guide Attack Buildings Spy Buildings Towers Highlands Comparison
Wulf has made an update to his sticky'd thread located in the Strategy section of the forum board index. Buried deep on page 11 you can find information on T6 Hoarfrost buildings. However, I've titled this thread explicitly so that it will show up on KAW and Google searches.
I don't know how to link but I can tell you it is all on page 11 of wulf's buildings and lands thread stickied in the strategy section of forums.
I hope this thread will be easier for people to find. I've tried to make the title very explicit so that it shows up in the search results for KAW and Google
Yes it is, If you read the second bullet point I think you'll find what you are looking for. This is for players looking to plan for Hoarfrost. Simply displays data.
Why do they need to bother if they can check themselves? Surely if they rent big bough to, they Gould only be curious and if so, check Wulf's stickied thread? Just saying, no offence... :/
I apologize if your not able to view screenshots on your mobile device. My phone is dead and I haven't checked it yet. I can always re-size images later so they display
No offense taken, in fact, it is very difficult to find this information if you A. Didn't happen to view the first 11 pages of Wulf's thread and B. Haven't unlocked Hoarfrost yet or C. Built on your Hoarfrost lands and want to check the stats again. I know because I've been testing the search boxes. You may not find this useful, but I know it will be for some
For C., only level 1 is out currently. So how could they not know what level 1 gives in stats? An Wulf has links all over his first page to all the points of interest on his thread. But I see what you mean.
To each their own, we'll see how long the thread lasts. It was meant to be temporary anyways until the information was readily and easily available.