★ KaW Strength (BFA/BFE) Tool ★

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DN_Kassio, Jun 25, 2013.

  1. KaW Strength (BFA/BFE) Tool

    New in version 4.2:
    Added the Lure of the Hive 2014 hunt equipment (complete data)

    After further enhancing my previously published KaW Equipment Calculator, that was basically a tool for playing around with equipment, I decided to give it a new name as it really wasn't just about equipment anymore.

    What it does...

    This spreadsheet based tool has in fact grown into a whole series of tools, mainly consisting of a BFE calculator, an equipment comparison tool, and a BFA/BFE calculator for any possible build.

    Strength (BFA/BFE) calculator: The very first tab of the tool will present you with all possible information about your BFE, BFA and whatever other stats concerning your build, once you have entered the necessary info into tab 1 (your own stats), tab 2 (your equipment), tab 3 (miscellaneous stats like allies, pro-packs, and so on) and tab 4 (mithril spells and pots).
    This tool now takes your troop level into consideration. For this to work correctly, you'll have to enter some information about your build (towers and castle) at the bottom of tab 3 first, as well as to choose a troop level on tab 1.
    On the 4th tab, you now can select which mithril spells you have casted as well as what pots you will be using to be included in your strength calculation.

    You always wanted to know what your stats looked like at 0% troops? Well, nothing easier now with this tool at hand!

    Equipment build (BFE) calculator: The second tab of this tool lets you easily calculate the Bonus from Equipment (BFE) any kind of equipment build will have. Just select the desired equipment as well as its enchanted level and see the stats change!
    Enter your actual or desired equipment on that tab in order to get it reflected on the strength calculator on the front page.

    Equipment comparison tool: The fifth tab contains a tool to easily compare your choice of two equipment among all available ones at all enchanted levels. Find out easily if your existing Armor of the Bronze Dragon lvl 5 beats your new drop!
    This tool now uses information about your troop level. For this to work correctly, you'll have to enter some information about your build (towers and castle) at the bottom of tab 3.
    YAY! Finally find out if that Abyssal Sword really rocks or if you should stick to your Soulreaper lvl10...

    The third tab asks you to provide additional information that will be considered for calculation your final BFE/BFA/Strength on the main page.
    This info will be related to your allies, pro-packs, reset bonuses, personal and clan achievement bonuses as well as build info for static stats calculation.

    On a sixth tab (ShortData), you´ll find a short list of all available equipment, as well as its origin and its Maximum enchanting level. I quite like to use it as quick reference when getting asked what drops where...

    The core data can be found on the seventh tab (Data), listing all available stats data of all in-game equipment. This can be used as a reference about all questions concerning equipment and its stats.

    Getting started

    First: Enter your BTA stats and a troop level (0-100%) on the first page
    Second: Select your equipment and lvl on the second page
    Third: Provide all necessary info on the third page
    Fourth: Provide info about mith and pot usage on the fourth page


    The front page will now show all possible info about your strength/BFE/BFA at the given troop level.

    What it doesn´t do...

    This isn´t a magical tool that will tell you what gear you should equip for what occasion...
    It won´t increase your drop chance for equipment, inferno or aqua in epic battles either...
    It won't help you avoid the wandering villager either, even if your BFE is over 9000...

    A few limitations that I bumped into so far are:
    • no check is done on equipping duplicate rings
    • when switching gear, the enchant lvl won´t be reset to a default of zero
    • without knowing your exact build it is not possible to compute correct BFE values for non-full troops Scenarios with % gear equipped (Yay, I finally made it! Forget this point...)

    Where do I get it?

    Actual version: v4.2 (30 July 2014)

    Well... just grab it from the link(s) down here:

    Download from Google Docs: (Excel 2010 .xlsx version)
    Download Kaw Build Calculator (.xlsx)

    Download from Google Docs: (Excel 97-2003 .xls version)
    Download Kaw Build Calculator (.xls)

    Preview on Google Docs: (still trying to work on a decent viewable version though...)
    (Pre)View Kaw Build Calculator

    I do hope it works for you. If not, drop a comment and I´ll try to figure out what´s wrong...

    I do know that there are incompatibility issues when using those spreadsheets outside of Excel (buttons not working, scroll down lists not showing up,...) and I am working on an open office version (calc) in the hope that it could solve a few of those.

    What I would like it to do...

    In future releases, I am thinking of enhancing the tool with the following goodies:
    • Update the stats for missing moth and Smoke Signals equipment
    • Inclusion of a basic build calculator
    • Addition of a global select/deselect button for pots
    • review of the layout and colors (pure cosmetics)
    • BiS (Best in Slot) gear lists for different situations
    • gear finder (what drops where?). Low priority though

    Any other ideas what I might include?
    Feel free to contact me...


    This tool has largely been inspired by the amazing tool that is Stoneford´s KaW build calculator
    Most data stems from the excellent compilation in Resilience´s ★Guide to Equipment★. Without that one, I guess I still would be screenshotting players´gears by this date...

    Do not hesitate to express your suggestions, ask your questions and point out the remaining errors...

    Thanks to Watchmee for pointing out one particularity: For players not on any iDevice, there are only 6 propacks available instead of 7... The Guardian pack (5% defense) is only available for purchase at the oracle on iDevices. Watch out when filling out your propack bonuses on the calculator.

    Thanks a bunch to Versa and Shadow for providing me with the majority of the Estoc Trials Season 2 equipment stats!

    Thanks a lot to Seto for providing me with all of the Estoc Trials Season 3 equipment stats!
  2. Change notes:

    New in version 4.2:
    Added the Lure of the Hive 2014 hunt equipment (complete data)

    New in version 4.1:
    Added the Dragon melee hunt 2014 equipment (complete data)

    New in version 4.0:
    Added the Quetzal feather hunt 2014 equipment (complete data)
    Added T6 lvl4 and 5 def and spydef towers stats
    Added some data for Smoke Signals and The Summoner equipment (still incomplete)

    New in version 3.8:
    Added the new S3 gear (complete data)
    Added some data for Smoke Signals and The Summoner equipment (still incomplete)

    New in version 3.7a:
    Bug fixes (new banner system was erroneous)

    New in version 3.7:
    Added the new banner system (moved the banners under the BFE tab).
    Added Smoke Signals equipment (level 0 and 1 only)

    New in version 3.6a:
    Added seasonal moth event equipment (missing a few values though)

    New in version 3.5:
    Added Estoc Trials Season 2 equipment

    New in version 3.4:
    Added Halloween 2013 equipment (Fiendbow)

    New in version 3.3:
    Added T6 lvl3 defense and spy defense towers for the static stats calculation
    Added equipment for The Sleeping Giant

    New in version 3.2: Added T6 lvl2 defense and spy defense towers for the static stats calculation (as well as projected values for T6 lvl3)
    Added equipment for Wasteland Wilds and Glacial Squall
    Corrected some wrong calculation that might occur with normal def towers

    New in version 3.1: Added T6 lvl1 defense and spy defense towers for the static stats calculation

    New in version 3.0: Added a tab to include mithril spells as well as pots into the BFA calculation.

    New in version 2.0: You now may do all calculations depending on your troop level: Calculate your BFA/BFE/strength for a certain troop level or compare Equipments with the equipment comparison tool at a given troop level.
  3. A few additional goodies and tools that I am using:

    T6 build calculator

    An updated build calculator (including T6 lvl4 and 5 and Hoarfrost) based on Stoneford's latest version:

    Download from Google Docs:
    Download Kaw Build Calculator

    Pot inventory

    A basic spreadsheet which allows you to track your pot inventory as well as its resell value

    Download from Google Docs:
    Download Kaw Pot Inventory

    Hope those links work fine for you!
  4. Nice 
  5. If you're on a device, you might have to copy/paste the link into a browser.

    Op, if you need help, wall me. :)
  6. Wow that's awesome, props to you. Ask wulf to link it in to his guides since it won't get a sticky and noobs won't argue so it won't get hundreds of posts. This deserves recognition. Good job op.
  7. where do i measure my rancor equipment?
  8. I just gave up in the end, looks like a sweet guide, I just don't compute.
  9. New version v1.1

    The equipment comparison tool on tab 4 now has been rewritten to take troop levels into account!
    You now finally will be able to compare %age equip to static stats, as for example the Abyssal Blade to the Stingpoint, and to decide at what troop levels a gear switch would be optimal...

    For this to work, I had to add a little piece of code at the bottom of tab 3, where you have to enter some info about your castle level as well as the towers you do own, as those static stats won't be affected by troop levels.

    Have fun! ;)
  10. [Bold]Great job![/Bold]
  11. Sticky!
  12. Nuckles, it's [/b]

  13. I really think this needs a sticky for any mod reading!
  14. New Version 2.0 out

    This latest version does now allow to calculate all your BFE/BFA/strength stats for a given troop level percentage.

    Did you ever wonder how high your static spy def really was at 0% troops while taking all your gear, towers, pro-packs, reset bonuses or achievements into consideration?
    Ever wondered at what troop level you would reach those 30m static att necessary for hitting haunting without failure?

    Well... it is pretty trivial using this tool.
    Just enter all the necessary data about your account and there you are!

    Should you nevertheless encounter any Problem, do not hesitate to contact me.

    PS: Jas999, did you manage to use the tool?
  15. Excellent!! Agreed..sticky!
  16. I am blown away by the amount of effort put into this.

    This is hands down the best calculator I have seen made for this game. Kassio, you rock. ;)

    If you guys are having troubles finding out how to use this, follow these steps:
    1. Click on the link.
    2. Click file on the upper left hand corner of the screen.
    3. Download it using excel.
    4. Open it using excel.

    <-- from there, you enter in your stats in the different tabs, and when your all done, go back to 'My strength'. Enter in your desired troop level and it should tell you your strength in each category (raw and bta form).

    Thanks Kassio. :D