Trading have ally for sale post here

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *l-Backinblack-l (01), Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Sunfire - Over 13mill cs at 661bill
  2. A few more pro packs for hire
  3. just strip me guys!all allies for sale!
  4. Active cheap allies for sale :)
  5. check mine 10b to130b allies for sale
  6. All allies for sale 12-17 bil. All 200k+ cs
  7. Check out my ally "Verong6". He is a smurf of a dedicated player so you know he will stay active and grow!
  8. Check out my allies. All of them are active and 2 of them are admins in their clan i believe. Check them out and see if any of them fit what you need!
  9. Allie for sale here name is wulfs
  10. Active allies for sale. 270 Billion and Down.
  11. All allies are for sale. Especially war machine. Shop updated daily
  12. Very active allies for sale. 18B pro pack, 60Bil, and 430Bil. Check them out. ALL active!!!
  13. Feel free to hire all my allies they all active and underpriced
  14. Cheap and active allies for sale! :)
  15. Active Allies 860bil and under. All active except Sinicalholy :cry:
  16. All for sale All the time All inactive
  17. DeathDealer75: ACTIVE

    179BIL PRICE
  18. Hi! I have a 100B active ally in B2B HTE clan, and a 130Bil active ally! check'em out! :)
  19. Allies for sale go get them y they hot