Noob-Ally Minigame

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Die_For_Metal, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. Noob-Ally Minigame

    Recently I have noticed quite a fun thing to do in Kingdoms at War, an it also improves your ally stats bonus very easily, for extremely cheap. As in 150k CS from a total of 15 million gold. This also gives a chance to make quite a bit of profit.

    Hiring Small Allies

    The main idea to this is hiring a lot of small allies.

    Start by hiring all the allies that cost 10,000 and 10,500 gold. Keep hiring all the allies you see, then move the pice up by 5000 gold.

    Each allie should have about 900 CS or 200 CS. So each ally with an average of 600 CS and an average cost of 25,000 gold, 150 allies will cost 3,750,000 gold and have 90,000 CS.

    Most players of this size are 3-5 billion from being vollied. This will give a large bonus for the price. I can garantee you will NOT find a 90K CS ally for 3.75 million.

    To start this off, lets have a contest! Who ever can get the highest stat bonus from allies for 15 million gold or under and posts SS wins! What do you win?

    Bragging rights!


    *Any spelling mistakes or BB code fails, tell me please!
  2. But they get bought off quickly
  3. 1,000,000 player for 2M! Beat that!
  4. Lol 99 gold - this seems like a good guide to get cheap applies with cs that add up over time
  5. Thanks for the feedback Kronic :)
  6. You might have gone a little over the 15 million limit mike :p
  7. Wait, I was only supposed to spend 15mil 