The KaW Handbook 2nd Edition

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by HD_Eru-Arathen_HD, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. ___________________________________

    Important Notice: Not EVERYTHING is updated properly but Dillybar and I are working on it!
  2. NOTE: If a link above does not work, then that section is not completed. Also at the top and bottom of every page there is a link back to the Table of Contents, except this page.
  3. About This Handbook

    This Handbook is NOT solely done by me alone nor do I claim to call it my own. This Handbook was originally written by CoS-Dillybar over 2 years ago. And in 2 years here at KaW, many things have obviously changed. I have now edited his handbook to make finding your answers easier and up to date. Throughout the handbook, you will find that I have gathered many great threads that will inform you based on the section you are in. An example would be the quest link to Toast’s Guide and link to The EB Guide by Wulf. There will also be blanks to some of the building information as I have not found them yet, but in time, I will edit each section up to date as soon as possible when I get the updated information. Remember, don’t expect a golden book from me, I only made adjustments and made it more accessible. Please review this again when it is complete. On a side note, if anyone is willing to help the general KaW community by walling me what is missing or what could be added, I'd be willing to add your name to a list of contributors (in the process of being set-up).
  4. Link to Table of Contents

    Communication and Slang

    There are 6 different methods of communication. They are world chat, clan chat, ally chat, wall chat, third party app chat, and private message chat through the inbox. You can also block players. If a mod sees that you have broken any of Terms of Service (ToS), they have the option to warn you, silence you for 24 hours, or permanently silence you.
  5. World Chat- World chat is chat with the world. In order to access World Chat, you click on the speech bubble and you click on world. There you can say whatever you want as long as you don't violate the terms of service. Speaking on World Chat costs 1 speaker for every message. You regenerate 5 speakers every day if you are on a iDevice or Android. You can also pay 1 nobility at the oracle for 1 speaker. There is a 128 character limit in World Chat. The world chat is used for many reasons such as advertising for EB completions, Recruiting Permanent Members, Mingling, Being Volleyed, Looking for Volleyees, and whatever it is that I failed to mention. Lastly, there is a banner at the top of world chat that advertises the latest news with clans and wars. You can also use this banner to present a message to the world for the cost of 26 speakers.

    Clan Chat- Clan Chat is chat with your clan. In order to access Clan Chat, you click on the speech bubble and then you click on clan. There you can say whatever you want as long as you don't violate the terms of service. Clan chat is also controlled by the owner and admins of the clan, some clans have adult chat and you are required to be 18, and other clans don't have any sort of type of chat that require such as an age limit. Bypassing is allowed by some owners, usually as long it is not a hatred bypassing. You must be in a clan to access Clan Chat, and chat there is free. There is a 128 character limit in Clan Chat.
  6. Ally Chat- Ally Chat is chat with your owner or your hired allies. In order to access Ally Chat you click on the speech bubble and then you click on Allies. There you can say whatever you want as long as you don't violate the terms of service. Chatting here is free. There is a 128 character limit in Ally Chat.

    Third Party Chat Apps- Some people use third party chat apps to communicate about KaW. Here you can talk to people through private messages or chat with a group. Here you can say whatever you want and you can also post pictures. In some apps, you can post audio recordings and videos as well. The most common known is Palringo found free in the app store or android market.
  7. Social Button- The social button allows you view your wall, your contacts/friends, and your inbox. It is located at the top right corner. This button appears as an icon of a 2d person(s) from shoulder up.

    Wall- Walls are a way to chat with anyone in Kingdoms at War. Everyone in Kingdoms at War has a wall. In order to view your wall simply touch the social button (located at the top right corner), and your wall will automatically pop up. If you are viewing “contacts” or “inboxes”, then you’ll have to click wall manually. There you can see what posts people have left on your wall for you. In order to post on someone elses wall, you click on allies, then search, then type in the username of the person that you want to wall. Their profile will pop up and then you click on "View/Post to Wall", next click "Post to Wall" and type out whatever you want to post. Once you have finished reading a post, you can also delete it by clicking on the minus sign and you can also see how long ago the message was posted ( note: you can only delete post on your own wall ). There is a 128 character limit per wall post. For android users however, simply click the search icon on your phone screen (usually located at the bottom right) A screen will pop up and you will have 2 search boxes. The top box will search any kingdom with a valid name. The box below it will search any clan with a valid name. To post to someone’s wall, the steps are the same as described above. Another quick and easy way to post to someone's wall is through a link. See links in the slang section for more information.

    Contacts/Friends- Here you can view all of your friends. You get friends by following them on their profile and then them following you. When you are friends you can use the inbox and send private messages to each other.

    Inbox- Here you can send and receive messages from any of your friends. These messages are all private and only the player you send them to, can read them.

    Blocking- You can block any player that you are not following. If you block a player, they will be unable to wall you or follow you. However, this does not mean they cannot see you or search you.
  8. Slang- There are lots of slang words for Kingdoms at War. Here are a few of the main slang terms.

    KaW- Kingdoms at War

    LB- LeaderBoard

    WC- World Chat

    CC- Clan Chat

    AC- Ally Chat

    Pin- When a defender is "Too Weak"

    Sit- To keep a defender "Too Weak"

    Volley- Hiring 1 person back and forth

    Farming- To hit 1 person over 5x daily (definitions may vary)

    OSF- Open Secret Farm

    Pots- Items from The Marketplace

    LC- LowLand Complete (Buying all lowland lands)

    DTW- Defender Too Weak

    PM- Private Message

    BUMP- Bring Up My Post (Forums)

    Devs- People who made Kingdoms at War

    ToS- Terms of Service

    Bypassing- Avoiding the profanity filter

    Stats- Your bonus to allies (on profile)

    HC- Health Crystal

    Nob- Nobility Points

    Maxed- HLBC with all fully upgraded buildings

    Regen- To get more soldiers/spies

    Full- To have all of your soldiers/spies

    Lurking- Being in a chat but not talking

    Sub- A Subterranean Factory

    T1, T2, T3, T4- Teir 1, Teir 2, Teir 3, Tier 4

    Attk- Attack

    Def- Defense

    Scout Bomb- To scout someone a lot

    Assa- To Assassinate someone

    Keep- Owning an ally

    BL- Battle List

    Circ- Summoning Circle

    Av- War Aviary

    Lvl- Level

    Plunder- The gold you earn from an attack

    Ally Plunder- The gold your allies give you

    Tax- The amount of gold taken away in war

    BTA- Bonus To Allies

    K- Thousand

    M/Mil- Million

    B/Bil- Billion

    Strip- Hire allies and farm a player

    HL- HighLands

    HLC- HighLand Complete

    HLBC- HighLand Build Complete

    TL- Titans Lair

    CF- Cursed Foundry

    CoE- Circle of Elements

    EB- Epic Battle

    OSW- Off System War

    OP- Original Poster

    PvE- Player vs Environment

    Here is The KaW Dictionary
  9. Re: The KaW Handbook 2nd Edition (to be reviewed by Wulf)

  10. Re: The KaW Handbook 2nd Edition (to be reviewed by Wulf)

  11. Re: The KaW Handbook 2nd Edition (to be reviewed by Wulf)

  12. Re: The KaW Handbook 2nd Edition (to be reviewed by Wulf)

  13. Re: The KaW Handbook 2nd Edition (to be reviewed by Wulf)

    Link to Table of Contents