How to Spend Aqua/Inferno Wisely

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. Introduction

    So you have some Inferno or Aqua laying around, but you're not sure which piece of equipment to enchant. This thread will help you choose which equipment to enchant if your main focus is getting the most stats for your Aqua/Inferno.

    This doesn't take into account the stat type - this is just a simple, quick way to see which enchantment will give you the most bang for your buck.

    How This Works

    First, take a look at this image below:


    This is my calculation for the Torrent Talisman.

    Note: All stat values shown are in millions

    Looking at the first row, you will see the change you will get when enchanting from level zero to level one. All I did was add up the combined stats for the item and placed it in the “Old Stats” column. In the case of the first row, the unenchanted item stats are placed in the “Old Stats” column. The “New Stats” are what the stats will be with the next enchantment level, in this case, level one.

    Then I subtracted the “Old Stats” from the “New Stats” to get the “Stat Change.”

    After that, I added the Aqua and Inferno required to reach this enchantment level and divided the stat change by this number to get the “Stat Boost Per Inferno/Aqua.”

    Finally, I took the average of all levels of stat boost per Aqua/Inferno to come up with the “Average Stat Boost Per Aqua/Inferno.”


    I did the above procedure for all currently available enchantable equipment. Once I did, I ranked them in order of “Average Stat Boost Per Aqua/Inferno” to come up with the order of most bang for your buck when deciding where to spend your precious Aqua and Inferno.

    The results are listed in this table:


    As you can see, the most valuable piece of equipment for this analysis is the Gold-Plated Greaves. The least valuable is the Viridescent Shield.


    Here are my data in case anyone cares to know how I came up with all my figures or cares to double check my results.


    Special shout out to IIllIlI_l_Love_KaW_IIlllIl for his useful guide. This wouldn't have been possible without his hard work.
  2. First and third images are hard to read :?
  3. Useful if ur lvl3 castle...
  4. Actually this is quite helpful, I'll use it when I can start using aqua and inferno. The pictures are a bit tough to make out but still great thread Cheese. 
  5. Thanks. I'll redo the pics and take out the Average columns - they seem to be taking up the most space.
  6. You, go hump a tree.

  7. Awesome  keep making good threads
  8. Pictures updated.

    Lemme know if you guys still have a hard time reading them.
  9. Great thread! Keep up the good work Cheese! 
  10. The last two pictures are much easier to see, even though you have scroll sideways you can read the image much better.
  11. This is a good thread, but you should take into account how much it costs to enchant. For example the feather gives a mediocre boost but costs a lot of inferno
  12. What about the results? Are those clear, or would you like me to increase the size of that graphic as well?
  13. I use my aqua and inferno to attack and spy :D
  14. I did account for that.
  15. Nvm you did sorry  gj i was wondering this the other day xD
  16. Nice thread! Will use in future when I can get a damn item to enchant
  17. Thanks! :mrgreen:
  18. Nice work
  19. Nice post cheese :)
  20. Lmao! I was just reading blankly through the first paragraph and I read it
    :lol: ...