Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Wulf, Oct 8, 2011.

  1. Re: ♔ BUILDINGS

    Tier 6 rime fortress stats are wrong
  2. Re: ♔ BUILDINGS

    Just some added help, going by Wulf's supplied stats here:
    ET-1 a/d: 119,860-cs: 239,720-1000 troops
    ET-2 179,949-359,898-50 troops(inc. 60,089-120,178)
    ET-3 269,588-539,176-50(89,639-179,278)
    ET-4 403,052-806,104-50(133,464-266,928)
    ET-5 601,416-1,202,832-50(198,364-396,728)
  3. Re: ♔ BUILDINGS

    Att-def-satt-sdef-troops n ( )increase
    BB-1 131,202-87,462-218,664-900
    BB-2 198,037-131,081-329,118-50(66,835-43,619-110,454-50)
    BB-3 293,940-226,220-520,160-50(95,903-95,018-191,042)
    BB-4 444,465-298,840-743,305-50(250,525-72,620-223,145)
    BB-5 661,188-440,748-1,101,936-50(216,723-141,908-358,631)
  4. Re: ♔ BUILDINGS

    RF-1 99,576-131,202-230,778-900
    RF-2 150,290-196,650-346,940-50(54,714-65,448-116,162)
    RF-3 195,940-298,100-494,400-50(45,650-101,450-147,100)
    RF-4 312,240-417,400-738,640-50(125,300-147,454-272,754)
    RF-5 456,160-592,700-1,048,860-50(134,920-175,300-310,220)
  5. Re: ♔ BUILDINGS

    IT-1 sa/d 82,200-164,400-15k spies
    IT-2 122,328-246,180-2k(40,128,82-81,780)
    IT-3 184,680-369,360-2k(62,352-125,704)
    IT-4 274,260-548,520-2k(89,580-179,160)
    IT-5 403,420-808,840-2k(129,160-258,320)
  6. Re: ♔ BUILDINGS

    Descry-1 sdef: 123,262-123,262
    D-2 184,892-184,892(61,630)
    D-3 277,339-277,339(92,447)
    D-4 416,608-426,618(139,269)
    D-5 624,012-624,012(207,404)
  7. Re: ♔ BUILDINGS

    Redwar Cit-1 def: 225,480
    C-2 255,587(30,107)
    C-3 353,709(98,122)
    C-4 489,500(155,791)
    C-5 677,422(187,922)
  8. Re: ♔ BUILDINGS

    Can someone clarify if the stats on wulfs table are correct for level 4 and 5 Rhime fortress. Because if the are correct, that is a serious mistake.

    I and many other players built Rhime fortresses because the offered more pure stats, and to have them end with less pure stats is just ridiculous. People spent trillions to install multiple level 3 Rhime fortressess. People plan their builds months/years in advance. So to have such a drastic change makes no sense.

    If this is an error please disregard my rant. But if this is correct devs need to either fix stats or offer full refunds on Rhime fortress.
  9. Re: ♔ BUILDINGS

    I got other stats for the rhime fortress lvl4 and 5 from players.

    Lvl4: 337.302 / 438.270
    Lvl5: 501.776 / 651.970

    @Sage: are you sure about those stats for the rhime fortress and the blood barracks? I have differences to those numbers.
  10. Great update but I believe kassio's numbers are accurate, especially involving the rime
  11. Re: ♔ BUILDINGS

    You know how much T6 Lv 5 SDT and DT drops plunder each?
  12. Re: ♔ BUILDINGS

    Compared to HTE
  13. Re: ♔ BUILDINGS

    Nice, love the new look, great update to the forum thread :)
  14. Re: ♔ BUILDINGS

    Great thread update 
  15. nice..I'm digging this muches..very easy to figure cost n plans for everything!! Great job!"  two thumbs up lol :p
  16. Re: ♔ BUILDINGS

    So what is the plunder difference when placing a T6 Lv 5 SDT or DT?
  17. Re: ♔ BUILDINGS

    Are stats for T6 LVL5 ADT right?

    They look way too low.
  18. Re: ♔ BUILDINGS

    Anyone? ^