The Despair Level 2 - The Despair Time: 6 hours Blood Rains Time: 2 hours Blood Rains Plunder Bonus: 5% Description: Your coastal kingdoms fall under siege. Entire city quarters are decimated. Dust swirls about the ruins, concealing a mass of tentacles that strike and lash at all who move.
The Despair Phase 1/2 Completion: Before you can land the killing blow, a sea of tentacles rises up from the depths, surrounding you.
The Despair PHASE 2: First: Attack and Assassinate Sea of Tentacles [56,550] Second: Attack and Assassinate Massive Tentacles to 0% [20%] This bar regenerates 1% every 5 minutes.
The Despair Mission Completion: As it senses its inevitable demise, it retreats into the depths of the waters.
The Despair CLAN COMPLETION BONUS UNLOCKED When your clan completes this mission for the first time it unlocks the Z'uthmerak of Despair Achievement to Level 2 which has the following total bonuses: Attack bonus = 1% to everyone while they are in the clan Defense Bonus = 1% to everyone while they are in the clan Spy Attack = 0% to everyone while they are in the clan Spy Defense = 0% to everyone while they are in the clan
The Forgotten Ones Level 3 - The Forgotten Ones Time: 6 hours Blood Rains Time: 3 hours Blood Rains Plunder Bonus: 7% Description: Driven back, a wounded Z'uthmerak summons the Myrimidons who in the ancient times, guided land dwellers home in stormy seas. Enslaved by Z'uthmerak, they enter the fray.
The Forgotten Ones PHASE 1: First: Attack and Assassinate Seraphis the Great [64,800], Scout Elestrial the Just [8,760], Steal Celest the Angelic [7,800], and Use Item: Bribery Gem on Nerissius the Wanderer [32,400] for first 50% and then Assassinate for the last 50% Second: Attack and Assassinate Deviticus the Savior to 0% [100%]
The Forgotten Ones Mission Completion: Defeated at last, the Myrmidons come to their senses, grateful to you for breaking them free. With Z'uthmerak's threat still looming, it seems you have a common score to settle.
The Forgotten Ones CLAN COMPLETION BONUS UNLOCKED When your clan completes this mission for the first time it unlocks the Z'uthmerak of Despair Achievement to Level 3 which has the following total bonuses: Attack bonus = 1% to everyone while they are in the clan Defense Bonus = 1% to everyone while they are in the clan Spy Attack = 1% to everyone while they are in the clan Spy Defense = 0% to everyone while they are in the clan