♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔ <<Spoiler Alert - Fair Warning>>

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Wulf, Feb 28, 2012.


  2. A Cold Calling

    First: Assassinate King Darius to 0
    and Attack Red Paladin Army
    1. Army Regenerates 2000 every 2 minutes.
    Second: Use Item [​IMG] Bribery Gem on Paladin Captain to 50%
    Third: Assassinate Paladin Captain to 0%
    Fourth: Attack and Assassinate The Deathstalker to 80%

    Phase 1/3 Completion: Your victory has freed the cursed warriors. Their restless souls can finally be at peace.
  3. [​IMG]
    First: Scout Deathstalker Armor to 0
    and Attack Skorpion Shield to 0
    Second: Attack and Assassinate Exoskeleton to 0
    1. It Regenerates 1% every 2 minutes.
      Though not required you deal substantially more damage with Stingpoint [​IMG] equipped
    Third: Steal Deathstalker Amulet to 0
    Fourth: Attack and Assassinate The Deathstalker to 30%

    Phase 2/3 Completion: As your thieves lift the amulet from his neck, the very life force is pulled from the Deathstalker's body. Arkosa watches in horror as Skorpios returns to his shriveled scorpion form.
  4. A Cold Calling

    First: Scout Ice Arrows to 0
    and Attack Hoarfrost Armies to 0
    Second: Assassinate Skorpios to 0
    Third: Attack and Assassinate The Deathstalker to 0%

    Mission Completion: As Skorpios falls for the final time, Arkosa vanishes into the desert - abandoning her city to the Hoarfrost forces. Your armies have triumphed today, but this shall not be the final time you meet the armies of the Hoarfrost....
  5. A Cold Calling

    When your clan completes this mission for the first time it unlocks the
    Skorpios the Deathstalker Clan Achievement to Level 4 which has the following total bonuses:
    1. Attack bonus = 0% to everyone while they are in clan the clan
      Defense Bonus = 0% to everyone while they are in clan the clan
      Spy Attack = 1% to everyone while they are in clan the clan
      Spy Defense = 1% to everyone while they are in clan the clan
  6. A Cold Calling

    Rare Equipment Item (drop is completely random):

  7. Aqua and Inferno drop from this epic Battle Randomly
    These components are used to enchant equipment at the Mage

    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]Aqua x3
    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]Inferno x3
  8. A Cold Calling

    If you already have the Armor and/or Boots from this Epic battle there is a chance it will drop:
  9. A Cold Calling

  10. The Vanished Paladins

  11. The Vanished Paladins

  12. [​IMG]
    First: Scout Calm Wilderness to 0
    1. Must have Rancors Vision (No Match or EE war loss spell) to hit.
    Second: Attack and Assassinate Rancor the Razer 99%
    1. Must have Rancors Vision (No Match or EE war loss spell) to hit.
  13. The Vanished Paladins

    Phase 1/2 Completion: Suddenly, your best soldiers vanish from the field.
  14. The Vanished Paladins

    First: Attack and Assassinate Rancors Armor to 0
    1. Must have Rancors Curse (No Match or EE war loss spell) to hit.
    SECOND: Attack and Assassinate Rancor the Razer 0%
    1. Must have Rancors Curse (No Match or EE war loss spell) to hit.
    OPTIONAL: Steal Treasure Chest
    1. Must have No Match spell Rancors Curse to hit.
  15. The Vanished Paladins

    Mission Completion: Your forces have kept Rancor's power at bay...for now.
  16. The Vanished Paladins

    There is no clan EB Achievement bonus for this series.
  17. The Vanished Paladins

    Common Item:
    [​IMG] x10 - 15
  18. The Vanished Paladins

  19. The Vanished Paladins