A Cold Calling First: Assassinate King Darius to 0 and Attack Red Paladin Army Army Regenerates 2000 every 2 minutes. Second: Use Item Bribery Gem on Paladin Captain to 50% Third: Assassinate Paladin Captain to 0% Fourth: Attack and Assassinate The Deathstalker to 80% Phase 1/3 Completion: Your victory has freed the cursed warriors. Their restless souls can finally be at peace.
First: Scout Deathstalker Armor to 0 and Attack Skorpion Shield to 0 Second: Attack and Assassinate Exoskeleton to 0 It Regenerates 1% every 2 minutes. Though not required you deal substantially more damage with Stingpoint equipped Third: Steal Deathstalker Amulet to 0 Fourth: Attack and Assassinate The Deathstalker to 30% Phase 2/3 Completion: As your thieves lift the amulet from his neck, the very life force is pulled from the Deathstalker's body. Arkosa watches in horror as Skorpios returns to his shriveled scorpion form.
A Cold Calling First: Scout Ice Arrows to 0 and Attack Hoarfrost Armies to 0 Second: Assassinate Skorpios to 0 Third: Attack and Assassinate The Deathstalker to 0% Mission Completion: As Skorpios falls for the final time, Arkosa vanishes into the desert - abandoning her city to the Hoarfrost forces. Your armies have triumphed today, but this shall not be the final time you meet the armies of the Hoarfrost....
A Cold Calling CLAN COMPLETION BONUS UNLOCKED When your clan completes this mission for the first time it unlocks the Skorpios the Deathstalker Clan Achievement to Level 4 which has the following total bonuses: Attack bonus = 0% to everyone while they are in clan the clan Defense Bonus = 0% to everyone while they are in clan the clan Spy Attack = 1% to everyone while they are in clan the clan Spy Defense = 1% to everyone while they are in clan the clan
A Cold Calling SPECIAL ITEMS DROPPED FROM THIS MISSION Rare Equipment Item (drop is completely random):
Aqua and Inferno drop from this epic Battle Randomly These components are used to enchant equipment at the Mage Aqua x3 Inferno x3
A Cold Calling If you already have the Armor and/or Boots from this Epic battle there is a chance it will drop: Aqua Inferno
First: Scout Calm Wilderness to 0 Must have Rancors Vision (No Match or EE war loss spell) to hit. Second: Attack and Assassinate Rancor the Razer 99% Must have Rancors Vision (No Match or EE war loss spell) to hit.
The Vanished Paladins First: Attack and Assassinate Rancors Armor to 0 Must have Rancors Curse (No Match or EE war loss spell) to hit. SECOND: Attack and Assassinate Rancor the Razer 0% Must have Rancors Curse (No Match or EE war loss spell) to hit. OPTIONAL: Steal Treasure Chest Must have No Match spell Rancors Curse to hit.
The Vanished Paladins CLAN COMPLETION BONUS UNLOCKED There is no clan EB Achievement bonus for this series.