Crossing the Threshold First:Scout Scout the Sellsword 0% Second:Attack and Assassinate Confront the Sellsword to 0% Third:Scout Shaky Drawbridge 50%
Crossing the Threshold Phase 1/2 Completion: You cast a powerful spell; the sellsword falls into an unnatural sleep.
Crossing the Threshold First:Attack and Assassinate Injured Wyvern 0% It Regenerates 137.6k (5%) every 30 minutes. Also this bar starts at 50% strength (Wyvern is already injured ) Second:Scout Shaky Drawbridge 0%
Crossing the Threshold Mission Completion: Arrows riddle the wyvern's chest and its mangled, lifeless body lands with a thud at the cave's entrance.
Crossing the Threshold CLAN COMPLETION BONUS UNLOCKED When your clan completes this mission for the first time it unlocks the Moutos the Malevolent Clan Achievement to Level 3 which has the following total bonuses: Attack bonus = 0% to everyone while they are in clan the clan Defense Bonus = 0% to everyone while they are in clan the clan Spy Attack = 0% to everyone while they are in clan the clan Spy Defense = 0% to everyone while they are in clan the clan
Crossing the Threshold SPECIAL ITEMS DROPPED FROM THIS MISSION Rare Equipment Items (drop is completely random):
Crossing the Threshold Aqua and Inferno drop from this epic Battle Randomly These components are used to enchant equipment at the Mage Aqua x3 Inferno x3
Across the Threshold If you already have the bracer and/or the shield from this Epic battle there is a chance it will drop: Aqua Inferno
Cave of Riches First: Assassinate Mechanizes Bird to 0% Second: Steal Treasure Chamber 75% Phase 1/4 Completion: Moutos remains unaware of your presence...but a familiar threat returns.
Cave of Riches First: Attack and Assassinate Persistent Sellsword to 0% Second: Steal Treasure Chamber 50% Phase 2/4 Completion: The sellsword gasps a final breath then collapses. Upon hearing his fall, a deranged thief lunges forward from the shadows.
Cave of Riches First: Attack and Assassinate Deranged Thief to 0% Second: Steal Treasure Chamber 25% Phase 3/4 Completion: Your soldiers take pity on the thief and give him a clean death.
Cave of Riches First: Attack and Assassinate Squire to 0% It Regenerates ??k every 15 minutes. Second: Attack and Assassinate Damascus the Proud to 0% You must be equipped with the Silver Helm item which drops from Crossing the Threshold to hit Third: Steal Treasure Chamber 0% Mission Completion: The proud dragonslayer's entrails spill onto the cave floor. Smelling fresh blood, Moutos approaches, his sinister shadow advancing slowly across the stone wall.
Cave of Riches CLAN COMPLETION BONUS UNLOCKED When your clan completes this mission for the first time it unlocks the Moutos the Malevolent Clan Achievement to Level 4 which has the following total bonuses: Attack bonus = 0% to everyone while they are in clan the clan Defense Bonus = 0% to everyone while they are in clan the clan Spy Attack = 0% to everyone while they are in clan the clan Spy Defense = 0% to everyone while they are in clan the clan
Cave of Riches SPECIAL ITEMS DROPPED FROM THIS MISSION Rare Equipment Items (drop is completely random):
Cave of Riches Aqua and Inferno drop from this epic Battle Randomly These components are used to enchant equipment at the Mage Aqua x3 Inferno x3
Cave of Riches If you already have the bracer and/or the shield from this Epic battle there is a chance it will drop: Aqua Inferno