[Official] KaW Forum Code Guide

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Benny, Oct 12, 2009.

  1. Hi, Benny here, I've tested most the BBcodes and I'm gonna show you how they work! Feel free to test them out in this thread as well, have fun!

    When i give an example, i use a space so you can view it. When typing your BBcode, DO NOT use the space aswell.

     Introduction 
    A code used here is called a BBcode or HTML. BBcodes can change size of text, colour, and even the text itself.

     Text Formatting 
    • To have your text in bold you must type [ b][/b]
    • To have your text underlined you must type [ u][/u]
    • To have your text ittaliced you must type [ I][/I]
  2.  Colour 
    To add colour like this you must type "text"

    To talk in rainbow like this --->click <---

     Size 
    To add size like this or this to text you must type [size =200][/size]

  3.  Combining Codes 
    To combine codes like this you type the same codes but connected. Make sure they stay in the order type!
  4.  Quoting 
    The only quoting we can do is [ quote]"write the text here"[/quote]
  5. List
    • List can do
    • dot points
    To make a list type in [ list] then type [ *]every time u want a dot point. Then type [/list] to finish it off.
  6.  Links 
    To link like this you must type [ url=www.google.com]"text"[/url]

    • Remember to
    • Always use www.
    • Always use http://

  7.  Images 
    Images like [​IMG] are easy to post. Just like links, type [ img]"link" [/img]

  8. As for the color bbcode you can insert any hex colour in the format #000000 to #ffffff... You could do this :

    Toonboon is uber awesome!!!
  9. Toonboon didnt make the hex code for colors clear could you demonstrate?
  10. Sure docter.. Let me test first, I'll be a few min.
  11. One its doctor two call me dr three thanks
  12. I don't get it ATM dr I'll try find out :)
  13. K just post it to my wall so you dont have to space it cause i wont work any way and i wont have to check the thread
  14. Bump, anyone teach me hex codes coding? :S
  15. It's sorta like how to make a website, it uses same coding system.
  16. I wanna do IT at school, is it hard?
  17. Not really.... Just gotta make cool websites and stuff :) btw, can colour be spelled aussie? Or is it all States spelling?
  18. Only color not colour
  19. Just google hex color coding you'll find it :) Google