TZ Guide - Farming

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by TZ-, Oct 9, 2009.

  1. Yes this article is about farming, both a light and dark side to the game. 

    This is to provide
  2. Provide?
  3. It's cut off, he's not done give him time
  4. iPhone typing can really tear a person down.

    Let's continue.... Serves to provide an insight on farming and is NOT a duplication on all other existing articles.

    People like to ask "what is farming?"

    Some define farming as
    1. Hit more than 5 times
    2. Hit more than 10 times
    3. Keep hitting multiple times
    4. And so on

    Yes no doubt everyone has their "definition" of farming. Here I shall describe what truely is farming and also explore the light side as well as dark side of farming, it's techniques and strategies.

    Farming is the process of attaining rewards (cash) from another party via battles or stealing periodically over a time frame.
    As far as the term goes, it is NOT  the number of attacks that defines farming.
    Eg. If A attacks B 15 times, that is not farming. That is called multiple attacks for loot.

    Knowing the definition of farming, I shall now describe farming.

    A attacks B for (x) times. And do it again after every (y) minutes. This process carry on for a period of time. This is farming.

    Now knowing what farming is, we shall move on to the first section. The light side of farming.

    Farming in the good sense  prevents the other party from getting hurt too much. It is a good practice and helps prevent grudges and other bad things.

    1. Do not do any actions that hurt the other party.
    2. Ensure the other party allies are intact before attacking.
    3. Ask nicely before attacking. (The other party maybe online and saving up)
    4. Render aid to the other party if needed. Afterall you benefit at the others expense.

    Bearing the 4 steps in mind, let me describe the farming technique.
    Attack once or twice to the other person. Do this every 5 minutes or other selected time frame. Keep going on until told to STOP. Then stop immediately.
    The reason is that doing this can maximise gains for your part. It also ensure the other party (farm) has full troops to play the game when he/she is online.

    This is good practice of farming  and remember to help the (farm) where assistant is required. Relationships is mutual.

    Now about good farming practices, we shall move on to the dark side of farming .

    Dark farming deals hurt to the other person.
    Dark farming is intensived farming. It does hurt the person and depends on the intensity of the actions.
    1. Dark farming involves attacking the person more than 5 times in ANY interval within a set period of time.
    Eg. 5 attacks every 30 minutes.
    Eg. 8 attacks every 1 hour
    Eg. 6 attacks every 5 minutes.
    all the listed above are intensified farming.
    2. Gang farm.
    Eg. Knowingly organise a group of (x) people to attack a target for every set interval over a period of time. As long as the total attacks is more than 5, it is dark farming.

    The reason is simple. At 5 attacks, when the other party (farm) comes online, he/she cannot do much with the army remaining at hand. The full regeneration will take at least 15 minutes and this renders the person inactive.
    This as far as bad farming goes - dealing hurt to the other party.

    Another note, remember the 4 steps mentioned in good farming ? Violation of any of the steps equates to bad farming .

    War has sometime a blur distinction from farming. Usually, a declared war can result in attacks similar to the farming definition I gave, BUT a war also means both parties are aware of the WAR  and the actions no longer constitutes as that of farming.

    TZ Hope this article serves to provide insight on farming techniques and gives a clear distinction between farming and war.

    For any queries, question, or help needed, feel free to post to TZ walls. TZ will always do the best to help in any areas if possible.
    yasho likes this.
  5. Or just farm ppl who don't play?
  6. U suck I'm gonna farm your ass.... Ha ha okay maybe not :)
  7. Even if u say this, people will continue this "tradition"... Well, I'm also being demes by people. Wish I cud kick their asses
  8. Comment does come fast, even before I am able to do an add on clarification.

    Question: What a long article. How do I tell if I am being farmed?

    Answer: look for the constituents of farming. It using consist of attacks on a regular basis.
    1. Attacks on a periodic interval of time.
    2. Unrelenting.

    In other words, daily "random" attacks that do not hinder the enjoyment of the game is not farming.

    Day 1: 10pm - 8 attacks
    Day 2: 6am - 6 attacks
    Day 2: 2pm - 4 attacks

    This is not farming. This is war.

    Day 1: 10pm - 4 attacks
    Day 1: 10.15pm - 3 attacks
    Day 1: 10.30pm - 1 attacks
    Day 1: 10.46pm - 8 attacks

    This is farming. Notice the regular interval of 15 minutes? The interval can consist as short as 5 minutes or up to 2 hours that's all farming.

     Small attacks (2) and long interval is good farming. 
  9. Sorry, noob question--does all this go for spying, too?
  10. Pretty much, but you can get owned if you fail...
  11. I got dibbs on the bad side!
  12. From personal experince your not quite there on the dark side. Try harder on someone else
  13. To be honest foe, u just don't give enough money.. Get better and I will attack more
  14. So good farming is a fee times a day if you ask nicely?
    I think the essence of tje game does imply that you should be a vengeful nation, however one or two hits per person is all you really need, all you have to do is look for someone in the same plunder bracket as your first victim.
  15. Is War worse than Farming
  16. Question to TZ, Y do u refer to ureself in third person?
  17.  i m confused imagamer 
  18. On ur instruction posts, instead of saying me or I u say TZ. That's an early sign of craziness
  19. ._. Farming is a pain. If you develop your army you can get gold from quests instead of farming. Also excessive farming makes everyone in the game pissed at you ;D
  20. Tz, would u say being attacked 10 time in 30 second, losing everytime, by someone stronger than me is muti-attack or farming?