T6 Hansel Guide By Val :roll: Updated by fluffles :mrgreen: Val has updated this thread and made it into a T5 Hansel guide and the information on the T4 guide (which is now updated to T5 was very useful so I am reposting the info on the T4 and T5 guide and updating a bit. Note:When I say T6 hansel I mean having one attack building e.g a Hatchery, Blood Barracks, Circle of Elements, or a Stable (best building) and the rest Volvaries, Strongholds of Shadows, and Unkari ice trees. So, you want to be a hansel but you're scared because everyone says the plunder of an SoS sucks. (you still have to have 24 or 23 SoS because you cannot build T5 on lowlands). But here's the quickest way to do it; and probably the fastest way. (redundancy) SoS have been made out so that your plunder will drop MASSIVELY. Yep, that's true if you do it like you did it with guilds. When building SoS there is a different technique to stop it from drastically affecting your plunder. •First off What you want to do is when you start an account, have someone volley you to X amount. You can ask for volleys in world chat, ask clannies, or spam leaderboard player's walls. (not recommended) Then you explore 9 lands and build 1 lvl 3 beastiary and the rest forges lvl 3. If you have more gold from volleys keep exploring lands and building forges until you are out. You then continue building as an attack build although this is a hansel guide, you will see the most income from attack at this point. Now, find a clan that does the forgotten ones and hit/scout/steal/assassinate for gold. But if you want to grow fast I suggest buying bribery gems and being present during the item phase to use them (Nerrisius the Wanderer at the beginning cannot be assassinated until you drop several bribery gems). This will make you Tons of gold for the size you're at at this point. I mean somwhere around 700 mill. What you want to do with all your EB money is buy allies in the 100 million price range. Keep buying these until you have 1 billion in allies. Now, keep building forges, hitting EBs and somewhere down the road upgrade that guild you started with to lvl 3. Once you reach the land that costs 900 million STOP and just delete KaW cause at this point it's too hard :cry: In all seriousness, buy 1 billion more in 100 mill allies and you will have 2 billion in allies. By now you should be hitting bigger EBs such as The Reckoning which also has an item phase. (healing aura phase 2) Once you get 900 mill, upgrade your guild to level 4 instead of buying the next land. Then buy the next land and build a Subterranean Factory and upgrade it to level 3. After you do so, sell you beastiary and build a lvl 3 War Aviary in it's place. Now you should sell 3 forges and build lvl 4 guilds in their place. After that sell the rest of your forges and replace them with Subterranean Factories. Now you want to be hitting a bigger EB like Origins. When you are done converting, explore your next lands and continue building Subterranean Factories. Once you have explored your 25th land, upgrade your castle to lvl 3. Now is when you also want to sell that old war aviary and put a circle of elements in its place. Upgrade your new CoE to level 3 immediately. Then continue exploring highlands and building Cursed Foundries in their place. Now, the next bit is a bit time consuming but trust me, soon you will be making the same amount and likely more per unload than someone 4x your stats. You want to unlock 9 more highlands and once again, build Cursed Foundries on them. WAAAT You are now making some serious cash per unload! At this point I'd suggest doing it my way, although it drops your plunder by around 1,500,000 (1.5 mill) it's worth it for the stats. As a hansel every time you hit you lose around 30k which is tiny! What you do is save up 14.26 billion (which you will earn VERY quickly with the armory of buildings you have ) and swap one of your Subterranean Factores for a level 3 SoS straight away. Repeat this until you have 6 maxed SoS. (always build to level 3 straight away). Be careful, anymore than 6 SoS will drastically hurt your plunder, and I mean HURT. With these 6 SoS, 1 CoE and the Cursed Foundries (all should be maxed) and a leve 2 castle you should have some pretty decent stats. At this point I suggest hitting haunting: the escape or just the haunting if you have a hard time getting into a clan that does escape without seals required. *Note* at this point I suggest you spend 10,000,000,000 (10 bill) to buy a level 3 castle. The SoS will decrease your plunder by around 1,500,000 (1.5 mill) per hit but give you a really nice stat increase but if you skim attacks this shouldn't be noticable. SHOW ME DE MONEH! Here's where the annoying bit comes in. It will seem long at first but trust me, once it's done your stats will be sky high. Since you now have a total of 37 lands, building another SoS will hurt your plunder remember? Which I really x2819 don't suggest doing. What you want to do is save your money in allies. Frequently buy active allies and have them sell, this will make you a profit and just keep buying active, underpriced allies. SoS is very complex I can't explain it but it's just complex! for the plunder of SoS to jump back up you need to have 2/3 of all your buildings SoS. Now, 2/3 of 37 is around 29....Since you already have 6 SoS (that ATM doesn't affect your plunder much) that leaves you with 23. Now, the cost of an SoS is around 14.26 billion So that means you have to save up... :| yep, you have to save up 328 billion. Now, I suggest ally trading look at the stickied ally trading thread in the Strategy section. Finally! After some serious hard work you have 328,000,000,000 saved up! Now, swap as many buildings as you can for level 3 SoS. Now that 2/3 of your buildings are SoS, you can save up 14.26 billion and start swapping the rest of your buildings for level 3 SoS. Make sure you max them STRAIGHT AWAY! Now it's simple. Either hit as normal and buy the rest of your highlands, put max SoS on them and repeat until HLBC OR...sell that T4 building You should convert the T4 to a T5 level 2 at this point. You can also sell the T4 building and go pure spy (Not recommended) Now, what you want to do is convert all your lvl 3 SoS (highlands only) to lvl 1 volvaries. Once you have 24x volvaries level 1 with a T5 attack building level 2 start making those volvaries level 2 then level 3. You also want to be exploring the hoarfrost lands at the same time, build Unkari Ice Trees on all of these lands, sell your current T5 level 2 and make that a T6 level 1. (Or make it level 3 T5 as it has better stats but at this point spy stats>troop stats). Well that's it. Thanks to Val for originally making this thread (I Updated it) It was edited to T5 hansel and all the useful information from the original guide was lost. Fortunately for me, I took screenshots of this thread the DAY before it was edited. Not the best guide yet but hey, Val ain't no wizard (that's what it said in the original thread :lol: ) I hope the BBcodes work
For those saying u don't have to convert in one.. My SOS hansel makes 17m a hit.. My guild hansel makes 21m a hit.. Same lands.
i did the conversion 1lvl at a time and it sucked my plunder was crap for a while...i would suggest doing it all at one time.
Well I'm a guild hansel with 12 highlands so.... Btw I meant to say 24 mill per hit lol I only make that much in ebs like FoD though.
Glad to see this. This was by far one of the best guides ever posted on the forums. Sweet memories looking at this guide.
I personally suggest going all Guild before converting as it would be much more easier. Stats don't matter much if you are making gold more than people with 10x your stats Lol.
Dark- yes I have. Pretty much, get all highlands with guilds. Save for 25 volary's and 25 SOS. Convert all at once.